What is the Purpose of the Home option?

The purpose of the home page is to be able to select which school you want to work in when working with multiple campuses.  Once you have selected a school, then you will find a list of options you would like to work in under a specific school whether it is Student, Ledger, Reports, Prospects, Alumni, etc… Another option of the home page is to display the schools notifications such as: students who are not in SAP, in default, R2T4’s not ran, students in attendance during a leave of absence and students in attendance when dropped.  You can also pull tickler reports for follow ups on prospective students via phone, mail, personal and internet.


If I have multiple campuses that show on the Home screen, how do I choose a particular campus I want to access?

Your school is just a click away!


How do I view these notifications?

To view these notifications just click on the option you want to view.  Once you select it, it will display a list of the students in that category.  At that point, if you want additional information on a student, you can click on their name out of that list and it will take you to their profile screen.



What is the purpose of the User Preference section?

The purpose of the User Preference section is to allow you to set different search filters, as well as the option to change your password.


How do I get to the User Preference section in SMART?

After you log into the SMART System with your assigned user name and password, click on a school and the User Preference section will be on the left-hand side.


What is the Student List Filter?

You can set the default filter when you click on the following searchable submenus under the Students menu:



Financial Aid Worksheet


Lab Grades

Leave of Absence


R2T4 Calculation

Refund Calculation

Student Schedule


Active Students will change the default filter to show only active students after the search has been completed.


Dropped Students will change the default filter to show only dropped students after the search has been completed.


Graduated Students will change the default filter to show only graduated students after the search has been completed.


All Students will change the default filter to show all students after the search has been completed.


What is the Prospect List Filter?

You can set the default filter when you click on the following searchable submenus under the Prospects menu:


Financial Aid Worksheet


Prospect Documents


Active Prospects will change the default filter to show only active prospects after the search has been completed.


Inactive Prospects will change the default filter to show only inactive prospects after the search has been completed.


All Prospects will change the default filter to show all prospects after the search has been completed.

What is the All People Selection Lists?

This section will allow you to set up additional features when searching for records in the Student section or the Prospect section.


Greater Performance will set display the search form with default filters only.  It will not automatically run the search with the default filters.


Greater Flexibility will set the search to run on the default filters and show a list of all the students that match the filter criteria.


How do I change my password?

If you click this option, a dialogue box will pop up and prompt you to enter to change your password.  REMEMBER THIS PASSWORD.  SMART Technical support cannot retrieve your password.  However, we can reset it if you are unable to remember your password.




What is the Administration Section?

The Administration section allows you to set parameters that dictate how works. It is in Administration that you will tell the system what your minimum average monthly attendance is as well as your G.P.A., test weighting, over contract charges, and a variety of other vital calculations unique to your school.  This section is very imperative to how will work for your school.  The information in this section needs to be entered correctly in order for reports, calculations, and ledgers to meet your school’s requirements.  Generally only a school administrator, or appointed staff member by the school administrator will have access to this section. 


Who has access to the Administration Section?

Company Administrators and those who have access to change or write policy should have access to administration.


How do I access the Administration Section when I am in SMART?

Click on Administration from the left menu options.





What is the 1098-T Electronic Filing tab?

This is where you generate and export your electronic file and sent it to the IRS.

The setup for this module is found in the Administration section. You will also find reports for the 1098-T under Reports/Annual/1098-T.


1098-T refer to Form 1098-T that a student receives to show how much qualified tuition and related expenses he or she paid in the tax year.  The student turns this form (Form B) into their tax preparer, and the amount is deducted from the total amount of taxable income for the year, assuming it falls in line with a host of other rules and requirements that are detailed on the IRS website. The information must be posted to the ledger correctly in order to pull correctly on the 1098-T.


How can I print my 1098-T forms from does come with the ability to print 1098-T forms directly from the software. 


To see more on printing 1098-T forms please see:  Reports/Annual/1098-T.


When electronically filing 1098-Ts, what Payment Year should I choose?

When filing 1098-Ts, use the Tax year for which you are reporting.  For example, we are in year 2009.  This would mean you are filing 2008 taxes.  The year you would choose in would be 2008.


When Electronically filing 1098-Ts what File Type should I use?

There are three filing types: Original, Replacement and Correction.

Original is selected for generating the report for the first time.

Replacement is selected if the IRS rejected the original.

Correction is selected to print the corrected line only.


What should be entered in the TCC field?

To file electronically you must first apply for a Transmitter Control Code (TCC) number with the IRS.  You may go to the IRS website and download form 4419 (Application for Filing Information Returns Electronically-FIRE).  Schools must apply for a TCC number by filling out an IRS Form 4419. Schools will fax this form to the IRS 1-877-477-0572.  Once you have faxed the application and received a TCC number you are ready to file.


Whose Contact Name, Phone, and Email should I enter?

Enter the contact information for the person at your organization that handles 1098-Ts.


What do I put in the Payer Name Control Field?

The Payer Name Control Field will be the first four letters of the name you filed under.


What is the Include Amounts field?

The Include Amounts section found in Administration gives you the ability to include Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses as well as scholarships or grants.


Why would I check the box – Payment Received for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses?

You would check the box Payment Received for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses if you wish for them to be included in the calculations on your 1098-T.


Why would I check the box Scholarships or Grants?

You would check the box Scholarships or Grants if you wish for them to be included in the calculations on your 1098-T.


What should I choose for filing option; Test File or Last Filing?

You would choose test filing if you want to run the 1098-Ts and test them to make sure they are uploading correctly. When you are ready to actually send the electronic file you would choose last filing.


What happens when I hit the Generate Export File tab?

The Generate Export File tab generates the 1098-T report.  You will be asked to name and save the report somewhere on your computer.  Name it something you will remember.  For example:  2008 1098-T.  Also be sure to save it somewhere you will remember.  This will be the file you use to upload to the IRS electronically filing website.





Why would I list my admission reps in this section?

The Admissions Representative tab in Smart allows you to enter your admissions Representatives. You may then select their name in the drop down box when building a student in the student profile/Demographics area.


How do I add an admission representative to this section?

To add an Admissions Representative’s name you will go to Administration/Admissions Representatives/Enter Last Name/Enter First Name/Enter MI/SAVE





What is the purpose of the Basic Setup Section?

Basic Set up is where you will set parameters to configure to calculate your school’s specific Minimum AMA’s, GPA minimums and Test weighting. You will set certain rules for ledgers, and attendance. You will also enter school Contact, Licenses, Options, Features information as well as set dates for your tickler periods. This portion is extremely important to the functionality of If data in this section is set incorrectly, your SAP and other calculations will not come out accurately.  This does not mean is broken, it means there may have been incorrect data entered during the initial set up.  Please follow instructions carefully throughout the Basic Set Up section to ensure your calculations are set up correctly with your school’s specific calculations and required percent standards. 


What is the School Contact tab?

The School Contact Tab will be where you store the school’s owner, school address, region, and phone number.


How do I enter School Contact information?

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Basic Set Up from the left menu options.

3.)  You will be directed automatically to the School Contact Tab. Enter the owner name in the field next to “Owner Name”.

4.)  Enter the address of the school in the address field.

5.)  Enter the Region (if you have multiple Regions) in the Region field.

6.)  Enter the phone number in the “phone number” field.

7.)  Click Save in the top left corner.

** If you need to edit/update this information follow steps 1-7 from above.


What is the School Licenses tab?

The School License Tab allows you to enter important school licenses that you often need to use on reports, forms etc, in one centralized location.  If you need a license number you can quickly pull up this tab in instead of searching through paperwork or files.  The licenses that stores are: School License #, Pell ID, Accredit Number, OPE ID, Loan Number, Duns Number, and Fins Number.


How do I enter a license number?

To store a license number:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Basic Set Up from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the School Licenses tab. 

4.)  Record your data in the appropriate fields.

5.)  Click Save in the top left corner.

** To edit license information please follow steps 1-5 from above.


What is the School Options tab?

School Options allows you to choose certain options and set certain parameters that control how works and what includes in its calculations. As mentioned earlier in this section, this feature is extremely important to the functionality of your data base.  If you have incorrect information listed here, your calculations will not be according to your school’s guidelines.  This will appear to students and staff that is not calculating correctly; when in actuality the data set up by the user was not entered with correct data. Please read carefully through the instructions in this section when setting up your school calculations and required percent standards.


When would I want to check the box: Enable Title IV Reminders?
You will check this box if you want to enable Title IV reminders when posting to the ledger.


When would I want to check the box: Enable Title IV Hold on Ledger?

You would check this box of you want to enable Title IV Holds when posting to the ledger.


When would I want to check the box: Use Time Clock Integration?

You would want to click this box if you will be using a time clock integration to update your attendance records in with student’s attendance from the time clock.


What is the Interval (Days) Box for?
This option is to choose the number of days you wish to have between your Title IV reminders. You enter the number of days in this box.


What is the Prospect Creation section used for?

The prospect creation section is used to set how your school chooses to set up the entering of a prospect. You may elect to have a prospect created by Name/Phone number only or you may elect to require the address as well.


Why would I choose Name/Phone Number?

Name and Phone number is the most widely selected.  It allows your staff to enter a Prospect and save that prospect with only a name and a phone number. If a prospective student were to call and not leave their address they would be able to be created in without it.


Why would I choose Name/Address?

Name and Address can be chosen if you wish to require the address before a prospect can be entered. Keep in mind that some prospective students will not give this information or it will not always be obtained by reception. Without it, you would not have the ability to save a prospect in


What is the Destination Point ID (TG#) Number?

A destination point is any TG Mailbox (HeadDestNum) number that is listed as an active sender/receiver of Title IV data on the SAIG participant file.


What is the Load ISIR Data field for?
This field is to select how you want your ISIR data to load to student’s profiles.  The best suggestion to load ISIR data and ensure it has been uploaded correctly is to choose "Manually". The other options are Automatically, and None.  You would choose none if your school elects not to load ISIR data into a student’s profile.


What year would I choose for the current processing year?

The year you will enter for the current processing year is important.  You will want to ensure you are choosing the correct year, every time it changes.  You will enter the latter year in the current award year.  For example 2009/2010 you would use 2010 as the current processing year.


What is the School Features Tab?

The school features tab in administration allows you to tell at what frequency  to calculate the over contract charges, allows you to choose how you want attendance hours to be displayed and entered, certain information to be included on some reports, to allow ledger editing and more.  This section is important because it allows the school to set their own parameters’ and guidelines on how they want certain aspects on to work.


Over Contract Charges
The Over Contract Charges option allows a school to set up their own standard regarding over contract.  If your institution charges the same for all courses you can set that information up here, and not have to list it anytime you set up a course. You have the options to choose the frequency with which over contract will be calculated.


The Frequency options are:

None-No calculation will be performed.

Hourly-charges will be based on Hourly rates.

Daily-Charges will be based on Daily rates.

Weekly-Charges will be based on Weekly rates.

Monthly-Charges will be based on Monthly rates.



Based on what option is chosen for the frequency you will also enter the amount of charges.  For example if you charge hourly, and choose that option as your frequency you will list the hourly charge in the amount field.  If you charge monthly you would enter the monthly charge in the amount field.


What option in the drop down box would I choose for Monthly Hours Format?

The Monthly Hours Format allows you to select how your attendance will be displayed.

You may choose Daily or Monthly. It is highly recommended to choose daily as your time clock posts time on a daily basis.


What is the Over Percent Standard?

Over Percent Standard - Determination of Maximum Time Frame Date is Based on a School’s Percentage of Attendance Required to be in Satisfactory Attendance Progress

  1. Determine the % of attendance you require to be in SAP. This cannot be less than the DOE minimum of .667% which is equal to 1.5 times the length of any program in hours, credits or weeks.
  2. Consider that the exact total hours, credits or weeks is equal to this percentage.

(i.e. Your program is 1500 clock hrs in length and your required attendance percentage is 75% then 1500 hrs = 75% )

  1. Now in order to determine what this 1500 hrs is 75% of, you must divide 1500 by 75%. This will give you what 100% is equal to. In this case the answer is 2000.
  2. Your maximum time frame date is equal to 2000 scheduled or available hours over and above any holidays, scheduled breaks or LOAs. So if a student completes 1500 clock hours within 2000 available or scheduled hours they are at 75% attendance and are considered to be in SAP.
  3. This is how satisfactory progress is determined. 
  4. 2250 divided by 2000 = 113
  5. In this case the Max Time frame Over Percent Standard would be 113 percent.
  6. 150 percent would be used for schools electing .667 as their SAP policy.


Why would I check the box...?

Rollover Cost of Attendance

This will rollover the year one COA to Year two.  More information on this section is scheduled to release at a later date.


Lab Hours Included

Will show, not only labs performed but, hours associated with them. Schools may or may not be required to keep track of lab hours associated with labs performed.  This is an optional field and is not required to be utilized.


Include SSN on Student Reports
Most institutions do not wish to display student’s SSNs on reports due to privacy requirements. will automatically leave this information off reports.  However, if your school chooses to include this information you can set this parameter here in the School Features Tab and student’s SSN’s will appear on reports.


Include Hours and Credits When entering Test Grades
Some institutions are required to track hours and credits when grading tests. will automatically leave this information off the Grades section (where you enter student’s grades for their profile).  However, if your school is required to track this information you can set this parameter under Basic Setup, then in the School Features Tab.  At that point the user will be required to record hours and credits when entering test grades.


Track Employment for Flagged Drop/Withdrawal Students
This option gives you the option to track employment for dropped/withdrawal students in addition to tracking graduate student’s employment.  This is an optional field. will not automatically prompt for drop/withdrawal students.  If you wish to track this information you can tell to track this information by clicking this option here in the School Feature’s Tab.


Attendance in Minutes

This option will allow you to track attendance down to the minute.  When choosing this option, there will be a field for Days (if you are entering one record for more than one day), Hours, and minutes.  Choosing this option will alleviate the data entry of recording demo, non clinic, and clinic hours if your school is not required to track this information.


Attendance Breakdown
The attendance breakdown option allows you to track exactly where a student’s time was spent each day. If you choose the option to display the attendance breakdown you will have a field for recording:  days, demo, non clinic, clinic, and total hours.  


Allow Ledger Editing
Choosing this option will allow the user to edit entries on a ledger. If you do not choose this option in the set up, you will not have the ability to correct any errors in postings.  If someone does post wrong to the ledger, without selecting this option here in the school features tab, that posting will stay on the ledger.  However for audit purposes you may not edit the dates.


Allow Over Contract Charges Past Contract Date calculates estimated over contract charges based on the parameters that were set up by the administrator in the initial set up. Choosing this option will tell to continue calculating the charges past the student’s contracted graduation date.


Overwrite Address for Existing Leads

This option allows editing to the address.

Overwrite Phone for Existing Leads
This option allows editing to the phone number.


Overwrite Demographic Information for Existing Leads
This option allows editing to the personal tab in the student profile. (All the demographic information)


Overwrite Existing Referral Code for Existing Leads

This option allows editing to the referral codes (found in the personal tab of the student profile).


What is the School Academics Tab?

The school academic tab is where you will set your schools required percent standards per each schedule, and also will record your school’s grade weighting scale.  This section is also a very important part of the functionality of  If you do not enter your required AMA or grade weighting correctly than it will not come out on your reports correctly.


What numbers should I put in the minimum Average Monthly Attendance Section?
This field is where you will enter your school’s determined required average monthly attendance, per schedule.  For example: A full time scheduled requires a minimum average monthly attendance of 100 hours a month. You will enter this data in the Full time field.  When a student is enrolled and assigned a full time schedule will now know off what rate satisfactory academic progress should be calculated at.  Without these numbers set up will not know if a student is in SAP or not because there is no number to calculate from.


Your schedule options are (complete only those schedules that are offered at your school):

Full     Day_____      Eve_____

3 Qtr   Day_____      Eve_____

Half    Day_____      Eve_____

Part    Day_____      Eve_____


What should I put in the minimum GPA Value section?

Another important section of the set up is the minimum GPA section.  This will be where you record your school’s required minimum GPA.  This is the second component of satisfactory academic progress.  Without this section completed, will not know at what point a student is not meeting their minimum requirements.

What happens if I click in the box Perform Alternate GPA Calculation?

Alternate GPA Calculation would be used when you are entering credits/hours when entering a students test grades. This field would basically recalculate the students GPA to reflect time put in.

Grade Weighting
This section is where you set up your grade weighting scale. What this means is you will tell what percent of Tests (Theory), Major Tests, and Labs will count toward calculating the GPA.


Grade Weighting-Test
You will enter what percentage of Theory tests count toward the monthly GPA calculation.


Grade Weighting -Major Test

You will enter what percentage of the Major tests count toward the monthly GPA calculation.


Grade Weighting- Labs

You will enter what percentage of the Labs count toward the monthly GPA calculation.


Text + Major Test + Major Test+ Lab Weighting
This will be the total of the 3 grade weighting options.  The total of the 3 should equal 100%.


Why would I check the box: Include Signature on Transcript?
If your school is required to obtain signatures on academic transcripts you can choose this option here in the administration set up.  If you choose this option a line will appear for the student and school official to sign and date.


Why would I check the box: Include GPA Legend?
If you choose this option the GPA legend will appear on transcripts. The legend is the grade weighting scale mentioned earlier.  A student will be able to see what percentage of Theory, Major Tests, and Lab grades count toward their GPA.


What do I put in the Signature field?
If you choose to include a signature on an academic transcript you can also choose what school official is required to sign along with the student.  For example if the school director is the one who is required to sign you can put: School Director.  If any staff member can sign you could simply list: School Official.


What is the Tickler Period Tab?

This is where you can enter which days to notify you that you need to follow up on Prospects or on Grads/drops that need to repay loans.


Phone or email

This is where you enter which days you need to make your update calls or mail out your updates.





What is the purpose of the Code section?

The Code section under Administration is where you can hard code certain codes.  These codes will later be used in a student/prospect’s profile.  They may appear in some reports, and may also be used for flagging purposes when working in a student’s profile.  The code options are:  Admissions Test, Contract, Drop, Employment, Pass-Place, Referral and tracking codes.


Admission Test Codes

What do I enter under Admission Test Codes?

The Admission Test Code section is where you can hard code the names of certain admissions tests students may be required to take.  This information will than be used in the Admissions Test tab under the student’s profile.  An example would be ATB (Ability to Benefit), such as Wonderlic tests.  Some schools may require all student’s to take a school admission test before being approved for enrollment.  Some schools may only require an admission test be taken for ATB students.


How do I enter a new Admission Test Code?

To enter an Admission Test Definition:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  A blank line will appear under any previously hard coded admission tests. Enter the code name (name of the test) in the first field.

4.)  Enter a description of the test in the second field.

5.)  Click SAVE on the right end of the row you are entering.


How do I edit an admission test that was previously hard coded?

To edit an admission test hard code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Find the row you wish to edit and click the EDIT option located on the right end of the row.

4.)  Enter the current data in the appropriate fields.

5.)  Click Update located next to the Edit option.


Contract Codes

What do I enter under Contract Codes?

The Contract Code option is user defined.  This selection will be used in the Financial tab under the student’s profile. Other information that can be found on this tab is the contract amount, contracted grad date, and tuition breakdown.  The user (institution) will define what they would like to use for this field for.


How do I hard code a new Contract Code?

To hard code a Contract Code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on Contract Codes Tab.

4.)  A blank line will appear under any previously listed contract codes.  Enter the name of the contract code in the first field.

5.)  Enter the description of the contract code in the second field.

6.)  Click on the SAVE option located on the right side of the row you are entering.  A date created will auto-populate any time you edit or enter and save information in this section.


How do I edit a pre-existing hard coded contract code?

To edit a pre-existing contract code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Contract Codes tab.

4.)  Find the row you wish to edit and click the Edit option located on the far right end of the row.

5.)  Enter the updated data in the appropriate fields.

6.)  Click the Update option located next to the edit option.


Drop Codes

What do I enter under Drop Codes?

Drop codes are used to track the reason why a student dropped out of your institution.  There are some drop codes that will be pre- hard coded and can not be changed by a normal user.  However, allows the option to hard code additional drop codes, as some schools will use different reasons.


How do I enter a new Drop Code?

To enter a new drop code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Drop Code tab.

4.)  A blank line will appear under the pre-existing hard coded drop codes. Enter the Code in the first field.  The Drop Codes that come pre hard coded will have a code of A, B, C, D etc.

5.)  Enter the description of the code in the second field.

6.)  Click SAVE on the right side of the row.


How do I edit a previously hard coded drop code?

To edit a previously hard coded drop code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Drop Code tab.

4.)  Find the code you wish to edit and click the Edit option on the right side of the row.

5.)  Enter the current data in the appropriate fields.

6.)  Click Update located near the Edit option on the right side of the row.


Employment Codes

What do I enter under Employment Codes?

The Employment code section is to hard code employment codes.  This will be what you use to track student’s employment status once they have graduated from your institution. Information based off this section may be needed to report to certain agencies or accrediting bodies.  This section is completely user-defined and the school administrator will decide how these codes should be worded or used. The information will later be utilized when a student becomes an Alumni (graduate).  You will choose from the list of employment codes you hard coded and assign a code in the Alumni section of the student profile.


How do I enter a new Employment Code?

To hard code an Employment Code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Employment Code tab.

4.)  A blank line will appear under any previously hard coded employment codes. Enter the abbreviated of the code in the first field.  For example the student graduated from your institution and has moved on working as a cosmetologist.  You could use COS as the abbreviation.

5.)  Enter a description in the second field.  Using the example from step 4 you could enter Working as Cosmetologist in this field.

6.)  Click the SAVE option located on the end of the row you are adding.  Anytime you add, or edit and save information a date created will auto-populate next to the Save option.


How do I edit a previously hard coded Employment Code?

To edit a previously hard coded Employment Code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Employment Codes tab.

4.)  Find the row you wish to update and click the Edit option located on the right end of the row.

5.)  Enter the new data in the appropriate fields.

6.)  Click the Update option located next to the Edit option on the right end of the row.


Pass-Place Codes

What do I enter under Pass-Place Codes?

The pass-place code is an important section to utilize in  Pass-Place data may be required to report on to agencies or accrediting bodies.  The standard pass-place codes are pre-hard coded and can not be changed.  However, any school administrator will have the ability to add pass-place codes to the list.  The list of pass-place codes will later be used in the Alumni section when a student graduates from your institution.  Any codes that you list here in the administration section will be available in a drop down menu to assign a code to each alumni.


How do I enter a new Pass-Place Code?
To enter a Pass-Place code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Pass-Place Codes tab.

4.)  A blank line will appear under the list of pre-hard coded pass-place codes.  Enter the abbreviation of the code in the first field.  For Example:  PR.

5.)  Enter the description of the code in the second field.  For Example, using the abbreviation from step 4:  Passed/Placed in Related Field.

6.)  Click the Save option on the right side of the row you are entering.


How do I edit a previously entered Pass-Place Code?

To edit a previously listed pass-place code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Pass-Place Codes tab.

4.)  Find the row you wish to update and click the edit option located on the right end of the row.

5.)  Enter the current data in the appropriate fields.

6.)  Click the Update option located next to the Edit option on the right end of the row.


Referral Codes

What do I enter under Referral Codes?

The referral code section is used to list all referral codes that your institution is required, or wished to track.  Standard referral codes come pre-hard coded and can not be edited or deleted.  However, a school administrator has the ability to add other referral codes that your school may use.  You can track the code, name, and cost per lead, cost measure and EIL default.  The list of referral codes added here in the administration section will be used in the personal tab of the student’s profile. Some institutions may be required to track this information, some may wish to track it, and others do not have to utilize this portion if it does not pertain to them.


How do I enter a new Referral Code?

To list a new referral code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Referral Codes tab.

4.)  A blank line will appear under the list of pre-hard coded referral codes.  Enter the abbreviation of the code in the first field.  For Example:  Y.

5.)  Enter the name of the code in the second field.  For Example, using the abbreviation from step 4: Yellow Pages.

6.)  If applicable enter the cost per lead in the third field.  This information is not required, but is added to this section as an available option.  **Note: the amount you enter will round to the nearest dollar, if listing cents. **

7.)  Enter the cost measure.  Per means cost per lead, year means the cost for the lead for an entire year, and month means the cost per lead for a month.

8.)  Click in the EIL Default box in the fifth field if applicable. 

9.)  Click the Save option on the right side of the row you are entering.


How do I edit a previously listed referral code?

To edit a previously hard coded referral code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Referral Codes tab.

4.)  Find the row you wish to update and click the edit option located on the right end of the row.

5.)  Enter the current data in the appropriate fields.

6.)  Click the Update option located next to the Edit option on the right end of the row.


Tracking Codes                                                     

What do I enter under Tracking Codes?

The tracking codes section is a user defined portion of Tracking codes will not be pre-hard coded.  The user determines exactly what they want to use the tracking code section for.  The tracking codes that are listed here in the administration section will be used in the student’s personal tab in the student profile.  You will have the ability to run the general report for each student and your tracking codes will appear in the demographic section of this report.


For more on the general report please see Reports/Student Reports/General Report section of the help topics.


How do I enter a new Tracking Code?

To hard code a tracking code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Tracking Codes tab.

4.)  A blank line will appear under the list of any previously entered pass-place codes.  Enter the name of the code in the first field.

5.)  Enter the description of the code in the second field. 

6.)  Click the Save option on the right side of the row you are entering. Anytime you edit or enter information and save it, a date created will auto-populate with the current date and time.


How do I edit a previously listed tracking code?

To edit a previously hard coded referral code:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Codes from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Tracking Codes tab.

4.)  Find the row you wish to update and click the edit option located on the right end of the row.

5.)  Enter the current data in the appropriate fields.

6.)  Click the Update option located next to the Edit option on the right end of the row.





What is the Course section?

The course section is a very useful section within the functionality of  This is where a school can record data separately for all courses offered at your institution. You will later be assigning one of these hard coded courses for each student.  Once you assign a course to a student, their profile will be updated with information pertaining to the course.  Information regarding the course the student is taking will become readily available in their student profile.  Information you will find: Name of the Course, Hours in the course, and the cost of the course.


How do I add a new course?

To add a new course:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Course from the left menu options.

3.)  You must click on the New option in the top left corner before you start entering data.

4.)  Enter the name of the course in the blank box next to the Name field.  Example:  Cosmetology.

5.)  Enter the Description in the blank box next to the Description field.  Example Cosmetology 1600 HR.

6.)  Enter the total hours or credits of the course in the Hours/Credits field.  In most cases Credits will not apply but is included as an option for those schools who track credits.

7.)  Enter the day of the week this school starts on every week.  Click the drop down menu next to Start of Week and click on the appropriate day.

8.)  Click in the box next to “allow partial attempted credits” only if this option applies to your institution.

9.)  Under the Contract Maintenance Figures tab you will enter the program costs.  Enter a number in the name field.  *** Note: for every pay period you enter there must be a number assigned, and the number can not start with a zero.  You also cannot enter letters.  The best recommendation when utilizing this section is to enter each pay period starting with 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

10.)   Enter the total of tuition in the tuition field.  If using pay periods, enter the total tuition per each pay period.

11.)   Enter any applicable fees in the Fees field.  Example:  Registration Fee.

12.)   Enter Books and Kit charges in the Books/Kit field.

13.)   Enter any other applicable charges in the "Other “field.

14.)   The Contract field is calculated by adding the above figures together.

15.)   Enter any cost of attendance figures associated with this course in the Maintenance field.

16.)   Click SAVE on the right side of each pay period row.  It is advisable to add some additional rows.

17.)   Repeat steps 9-16 for all pay periods in the course.

18.)   Click on the Hours/Credits per pay periods tab.

19.)   Enter the name in the name field.  As mentioned above, any hours/credits pay period tab must have a number listed in the name field.  It can not start with a zero and can not be a letter.  The best recommendation is to start with 1, 2, 3 etc.

20.)   Enter the total hours of the course in the Contract Hours/Credits field.

21.)   Enter the total hours in each pay period starting in the Pay Period 1 field.  For Example:  A course is 1800 hours. You pay periods are as follows, 0-450 hours, 451-900 hours, 901-1350 hours, and 1351-1800 hours.  In the pay period 1 tab you would enter 450 hours for the total number of hours in pay period 1.

22.)   Repeat step 21 for all pay periods in the course.

23.)   Click the SAVE option on the right side of each pay period road.

24.)   The options in the top right corner of the screen are not required. They are there to be used if an institution calculates a different AMA or Over Contract charge amount per each course. If the AMA and Over Contract Charges are the same for each course this information would not be required and can be set up in the Administration/Basic Set up section. If you will be utilizing this portion of the course section enter the required AMA (Average Monthly Attendance) for each schedule that applies.

25.)   Repeat step 24 for Day and Evening Hours.

26.)   If utilizing this section for over contract charges click in the circle next to the rate with which you will charge over contract charges for this course.  The options are: No Penalty, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

27.)   Enter the amount of the rate of charge in the amount field.

28.)   Click save in the top left corner of this screen, once all information has been entered.


What is the drop down menu All Courses for?

This drop down menu would be for if you have added a new course and needed to go back and edit it, you could select the course you want to edit.


What do I put in the Name field?

This field would be for entering a name unique course name. Ex: COSMO1 vs. COSMO2


What do I put in the Description field?

This field would be used for describing the new course. Ex: Cosmetologist Days vs. Cosmetologist Eve


What do I put for Start of the Week?

This would be for whatever day their week starts on. Some schools are closed on Mondays and don’t start until Tuesday. Therefore, the Start of Week would be Tuesday.


When would I click in the Allow Partial Attempted Credits box?

Partial Attempted Credit would be checked if you wanted to add in a partial credit. For example, you wanted to give a student 3.5 credits, it would allow it without having to give them an entire credit making it either 3 credits or 4.


What do I enter under Contract/Maintenance Figures?

This would be the break down in contract cost for a specific program, to where the monies would be allocated.


What do I enter under the Hours/Credits per Pay Period field?

This is where you would enter your hours/credits per pay period.  This, of course, all depends on the course and course hours. For example in the first period for a Cosmo student you would enter 450. The students get their first disbursements of funds between 0-450 hrs.

What do I enter in the Day section (left side of the screen)?

These fields can be used as reference points to your liking, whether it is the AMA (average monthly attendance) per hour per course, or you can use it for the amount of hours per day or per week for each course.


What do I enter in the “How should penalties be calculated for going over the contractual graduation date?

Again, this is a point of reference.  This area is to determine how a student is going to be charged for over contract charges, whether it is hourly, daily, weekly or monthly at the dollar amount per selection.  For example: Some schools may charge $7 per hour remaining after contract grad date, so you would select Hourly and the amount would be $7.00.





What is the purpose of the Document section?

The Document section is an exciting feature added to This section can be used for multiple reasons, and multiple departments. For Example:  You have the ability to go paperless for any documents not requiring a wet signature in a student’s file, by uploading all documents to the student profile in Another example of when this section becomes very useful is if you use SMART for your third party servicer.  SMART would also utilize this section to aid in processing financial aid, verifying documents, auditing files, etc.  You now have the ability to work remotely.  If you upload student files in the document section you now have access to any needed information from where you are working remotely. You no longer need to face the worry of misplaced documents.  If an auditor comes in and is looking for information all you would need to do is print out that information from the student’s document section in  The document section under Administration is where you can hard code names of documents.  You may want to keep it limited to those documents required in every student file.  Once you hard code a name of a document this will appear in every student’s document section.  The purpose of this is to save time.  This alleviates the date entry in listing document names and descriptions. For any pre hard coded document names you will only have to upload the document instead of entering a name and description each time.


How do I hard code a document name?

To pre hard code a document name:

1.)  Click Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Documents Definitions.

3.)  A blank line will appear under any previously listed definitions. Enter the name of the document in the first field.  For example:  FAFSA.

4.)  Enter the description in the second field. For Example: 2009/10 Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

5.)  Click Save on the right end of the row. Anytime a document is added or edited a date created will auto-populate once you click the Save option.


How do I edit a previously listed document definition?

To edit a previously listed definition:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Documents Definitions from the left menu options.

3.)  Find the definition you wish to update and click the Edit option on the right end of that particular row.

4.)  Enter the current document name or description.

5.)  Click Update located on the far right of the row (where the Edit option is located).





What is the purpose of the cash account section?
The Federal Cash Account section is to help the school keep track of what is in the federal cash account.  You can enter the net authorized amount for your school for each federal program. Once monies are posted to ledgers the disbursed amount will subtract from the Net Authorized amount for each program accordingly.  The Federal Programs will come pre-hard coded and can not be changed by a normal user. You will only have the ability to edit the net authorized amount in the second field and the Program Award Number in the sixth field.


What is the processing year?

The processing year option is to have the ability to keep track of what processing year the information is storing. Often time’s schools will be handling Financial Aid for two processing years due to crossover.  Be sure to choose the correct processing year when entering and obtaining data from this section.  You can choose a different year by clicking the drop down menu next to processing year and choosing the appropriate year.


How do I enter the Net Authorized amount in the Federal Cash account section?

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Federal Cash Account from the left menu options.

3.)  Choose the appropriate processing year by clicking the arrow and choosing a year from the drop down menu, next to “processing year”.

4.)  Find the Federal Program you will be entering information for. Click on the Edit option located on the right end of the row you are recording data for.

5.)  Enter the total Net Authorized amount for the program in the second field.

6.)  Enter the Program Award Number if applicable.

7.)  Click Update on the right end of the row. Anytime you edit or enter information in the section the date and time the data was recorded will appear in the fifth field.


How do I edit the information regarding each particular program?

To edit information, you will follow the same steps as listed above.  Anytime you edit or enter information in the section the date and time the data was recorded will appear in the fifth field.





What is the purpose of the Fiscal Year section?
The purpose of the fiscal year section is to give each institution the option of prelisting their determined fiscal year and can run reports based off the Fiscal Year.


What do I enter in this section?
When completing your school set up in the administration section you have the option to enter what your institution considers their fiscal year.  You would enter the start and end date of your school’s determined fiscal year.


How do I enter new fiscal year information?

To enter a fiscal year:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Fiscal Year from the left menu options.

3.)  Enter the year in the first field. This would be the year of the particular fiscal year you are entering.

4.)  Enter the abbreviation of the fiscal year in the second. For example the year is 2009, the abbreviation could be 09.

5.)  Enter the begin date of the fiscal year in the third field.

6.)  Enter the end date of the fiscal year in the fourth field.

7.)  Click in the box “Currently Selected” if this is the current fiscal year.

8.)  Click Save on the right side of the row you are entering.


How do I choose the fiscal year I want to use?

By clicking in the box “currently selected” in the row of the fiscal year you wish to use, this will make it become the active fiscal year.


How do I edit a Fiscal Year?

To edit a fiscal year:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Fiscal Year from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the Edit option on the right side of the row you wish to change.

4.)  Enter the most recent data in the related fields.

5.)  Click on the Update option located on the right side of the row you are currently editing.





What is the purpose of the Guarantors section?
The purpose of hard coding the approved guarantors used at your institution is to have the ability to record this information for each student. This helps you as the school, keep track of such information, and also easily available to provide your student with a contact name re: their student loans.


How do I enter a new Guarantor?

To Hard Code Guarantor names:
1.) Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Guarantor from the left menu options.

3.) A blank line will appear under the list of any previously entered Guarantors.

4.) Enter the name of the Guarantor in the first filed under Name.

4.) Enter a description of the Guarantor.

5.) Click Save to the right of the description field. A created date will auto populate once you click save.


How do I edit an existing Guarantor?

To edit an existing Guarantor:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Guarantor from the left menu options.

3.)  Click edit on the right side of the Guarantor you wish to edit.

4.)  Type in your changes and click edit on the right side of the row.


How do I delete Guarantors? 

You do not have the option of deleting a Guarantor in the Administration section of


Where in SMART will this information be utilized?

-It is not used anywhere in Smart

-It is only for reference material





What is the purpose of the ISIR Administration section?
The ISIR Administration section serves a useful purpose.  You can upload verification data off an ISIR into  This information will populate in the ISIR section in the student’s profile. Once you have uploaded an ISIR not only will it update important information on the ISIR tab, it will also list an EFC on the Financial Aid Worksheet.


How do I upload an ISIR to
To upload an ISIR to

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on ISIR Administration from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on Upload New in the top left corner.

4.)  Click the Browse option next to where it says Select File.

5.)  After you click Browse you will follow the path to where you upload you ISIRs to your computer.  Example: If you use Ed Express you can normally find your ISIRS in the IAM/Data folder.

6.)  After you have found the file you wish to import double click on the file name.  You will now be brought back to the ISIR Administration section of and your file name will appear in the box next to the Browse option.

7.)  Click the Upload option located just under where it says Select File.

8.)  Your ISIR file has now been uploaded and you will see the file name, status, and date imported added to the list of previously imported ISIRS.


How can I tell if an ISIR uploaded successfully?

When you are in the ISIR Administration section there will be a log of previously uploaded ISIRS. The log gives you the name of the file uploaded, whether or not it uploaded successfully, and the date and time it was uploaded. This information will stay in the log until the USER clears the history in this section.


How do I clear the history of files that have already been uploaded?

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on ISIR Administration from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on Clear History in the tool bar options.  (Located to the right of the upload new option).


Where in SMART will the information be utilized?
As mentioned earlier this information will be updated on the ISIR tab under the student’s profile.  The data that is pulled from the ISIR is as follows: Adjusted Gross Income, Us Income Tax Paid, Worksheet A, Worksheet B, Worksheet C, House Hold Size, # in College, EFC, and Grade Level and beginning in 09/10 it will list the line items previously found on the worksheets (untaxed income).





What is the purpose of the Lab Definition section?
The lab definition section is where you will hard code all labs that student’s will complete for all courses available at your institution.  Although this may cause some data entry work in the initial set up this will save your employees time when entering lab grades for all students.  Once labs have been hardcoded, when entering a lab grade all lab names/numbers will appear in a drop down menu format.


How do I hard code lab definitions?

To hard code a lab definition:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Lab Definitions from the left menu options.

3.)  A blank line will appear under the list of any lab definitions already listed.

4.)  Enter the Lab Number in the first field.  You can get this out of your curriculum book.  It may help to track required labs if they match what is in your books.

5.)  Enter the Type in the next field.  Your options of what lab are:  Theory, Lab, and Major.

Enter your Course this lab pertains to in the third field. 


To setup course information, please go to Administration/Course.


6.)  Enter the number of credits this test allows (if applicable to your institution).

7.)  Enter a description of the lab.  Example: Sterilizing/Sanitation.

8.)  Click Save in the top left corner.


How do I edit an existing lab definition?

We do not suggest editing any lab definitions.  Once you have assigned that definition to student’s grades any changes may cause changes in their records.  We always suggest entering a new lab definition and start using the new one, once something has changed.  Please see above on how to enter a lab definition.


How do I delete an existing lab definition?

We do not suggest deleting any lab definitions.  Once you have assigned that definition to student’s grades any changes may cause changes in their records.  We always suggest entering a new lab definition and start using the new one, once something has changed.  Please see above on how to enter a lab definition.


Where in SMART will this information be utilized?
Lab definitions will be utilized when entering lab grades for a student’s profile; either in the Lab Grades or Multiple Lab Grades section of  They will also appear in many reports that have to do with academics.






What is the purpose of the Lender section?

The Lender section is used to be able to hard code lenders and later assign them to student profiles.  This helps the school keep track of who a student’s lender is.  If a student is unsure you can easily check the contact section of their student profile and provide that information to them quickly.


How do I enter a new Lender?

To hard code a lender:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Lender from the left menu options.

3.)  Enter the Name of the lender.  For Example: Chase

4.)  Enter the Description of the lender For Example:  Chase Bank Student Loan Department.

5.)  Click Save to the right of the description field. A created date will auto populate once you click save.


How do I edit an existing lender?

To edit an existing lender:

5.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

6.)  Click on Lender from the left menu options.

7.)  Click edit on the right side of the Lender you wish to edit.

8.)  Type in your changes and click edit to the right side of the row.


How do I delete lenders? 

You do not have the option of deleting a lender in the Administration section of





What is the purpose of the Previous Schools section?

The Previous Schools section gives your institution the opportunity to store schools and list them in the student’s profile to track their previous school.  You can either enter high schools, or other colleges that student’s may transfer in from.  This information is user defined and does not come with any previous schools pre-hard coded.  This information is sometimes found useful depending on the type of information you track and your institution’s tracking methods


How do I hard code a Previous School?

To hard code a previous school:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Previous School from the left menu options.

3.)  An empty space will appear under the list of previously added schools.  Enter the abbreviation of the school name.

4.)  In the next field under Name, enter the full name of the school.

5.)  The third field will be where you will click on Save to save your information.


How do I edit an existing previous school?

To edit an existing school for the list:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Previous School from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on Edit on the row you need to delete.

4.)  Enter the correct information in the abbreviation and name fields.

5.)  Click update on the row you just edited.


Can I delete an existing previous school?

You do not have the option to delete a previous school in the Administration section of


Where in SMART will this information be utilized?

This information will be utilized and stored on the personal tab of the student profile. This is not a required field; however some schools wish to track this information. If you have something listed in the Previous School field in the student’s profile it will appear on the General Report. 


For more information on running reports such as the general report please see Reports/Student Reports section of the help topics.





What is the purpose of the Program section?
The Program section is where you will enter all programs you wish to use on the ledger.  The program will identify where the monies came from that get posted to a student’s ledger For Example:  Pell Grant, Direct Stafford Subsidized Loan, PLUS Loan. This is important to many departments of a school, such as the financial aid, and accounting departments. You can run many reports based off your programs and will actually be asked to run these reports by certain accrediting bodies, or agencies. You may be required to report certain program information to the Department of Education. 1098-T will also pull information based off of certain Programs used. Some Programs will already be hard coded into  These particular programs can not be edited or deleted by a normal user.  The reason for this is the programs which come pre-hard coded will be Title IV Programs which all Title IV receiving schools are required to track.  Because all institutions may offer different programs to pay for school we have also built in the option to add any other programs you wish. 

The options you have when setting up a program are:  Disbursement Hold, Need Based, Non Cash, and Report on 1098-T, Title IV, and Is Active.  When setting up a program you would click in any of these boxes that apply. 


How can I enter a new Program?

To enter a Program:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Programs from the left menu options.

3.)  An empty space will appear at the bottom of any currently listed Programs.  In the first field, under Program Code you will type in a code for the Program. For Example:  SLM

4.)  In the second field under Description, type in a description for the loan. For Example with the loan listed above: Sallie Maw Career Training Loan

5.)  You will click the box in the third field only if this Program requires a disbursement hold.

6.)  You will click the box in the fourth field only if this Program is a Need Based Program.

7.)  You will click the box in the fifth field only if this Program is Non Cash.

8.)  You will click the box in the sixth field only if this Program should be reported on the 1098T.

9.)  You will click the box in the seventh field only if this Program is an approved Title IV Program.

10.) You will want to be sure to click the box in the eighth field for any Program that is currently active and in use.

11.) Click Save on the right part of the row.

12.) The description will show on the students’ ledger under Program.


How do I edit an existing program?

To edit an existing Program:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Programs from the left menu options.

3.)  Find the Program you wish to edit from the list of programs.

4.)  Click Edit on the far right side of program row you are editing.

5.)  Make your needed changes to the Program by checking or un-checking appropriate fields.

6.)  Click Update on the right side of the row.


Can I delete an existing program?

You can not delete an existing program; however, you can make it inactive to where it won’t appear in your list of options when posting a program to a ledger.  To make the program inactive please follow steps for editing a program listed above.  Be sure to uncheck the Is Active field before clicking Update.





What is the purpose of the School Calendar Section?

The school calendar is set up so an institution may close out any planned closed school days. When you set closed school days in the calendar, it will block this day out on any student’s schedule. This means a student will not be marked absent on a day your school was scheduled to be closed because you have told that your school is scheduled to be closed that day. These specific days will not count against a student’s attendance record.


What does it mean when I click on a day on the calendar and it turns black?

When you are in a school calendar and click on a day in the calendar by using your mouse you are choosing which day of the month you wish to close.  This is just the beginning of the process and unless you proceed further, that day will not be properly closed.


How do I add a scheduled day off to the calendar?|
To add a scheduled day off:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on School Calendar from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the day in the calendar you want to close (if you will be using a date range click on the day the day the school closure will start).

4.)  Click in the box that applies:  Clear Day Hours, and Clear Night Hours.  For example: If school was open for half the day you would only want to clear the night hours.  If school was closed all day you would want to clear both day and night.

5.)  Click in the box: No School if school will be closed. If you are not leaving a note, click save in the top left corner and than skip to step 8.

6.)  Click in the box: Special if you wish to leave a note re: this closure.

7.)  If you click in the box: Special and leave a note you will want to save this note before proceeding.  Click the Save option in the top left corner.

8.)  Click on the Close/Open Days option in the bottom right corner.

9.)  Enter the date range if applicable.  If you are only closing one day the date range will automatically be filled in with the date you clicked from the calendar on the last page for the start and end date.

10.) If you uncheck the box:  No School on this page you will no longer be closing a day. The days of the week field will now say: Days to Open.

11.) If the No School box is checked the days of the week field will say: Days to Close.     Click on the applicable days of the week that will be closed during your date range.  If you are just closing one day the correct day of the week will be chosen for you.

12.) Click Save.


How do I edit a scheduled day off that I have already added to the calendar?
To edit a scheduled day off in the calendar:

1.)  Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on School Calendar from the left menu options.

3.)  Click on the day of the month you wish to edit.  If you do not see that month click on the names of the month on the top right side or left side until you see the month you need displayed in the middle, than click on the day you need to edit.

4.)  If you need to make any changes on the first screen click Save in the top left once the edits have been made.  If you need to go a step further and enter more information (such as a date range) click on the Close/Open Days button.

****** PLEASE NOTE- Making changes to previous days in the school calendar will not make changes to a student’s schedule. If you make the changes prior to that day passing it will take effect in the student’s schedule.  If something changes with a previous scheduled day you will want to change it individually on each student’s schedule. 


To see more on student schedule’s please see the Student/Student Schedule section of the Help Topics.






What is the purpose of the Test Definition section?
The test definition section is where you will hard code all tests that student’s will take for all courses available at your institution.  Although this may cause some data-entry work in the initial set up this will save your employees time when entering test grades for all students.  Once test grades have been hardcoded, when entering test grades all test names/numbers will appear in a drop down menu format. 


How do I add a test definition?
To hard code a test definition:

1.) Click on Administration from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Test Definitions from the left menu options.

3.) A blank line will appear under the list of any test definitions already listed.

4.) Enter the Test Number in the first field.  You can get this out of your curriculum book.  It may help to track required tests if they match what is in your books.

5.) Enter the Type in the next field.  Your options are:  Theory, Lab, and Major.

6.) Enter your Course this test pertains to in the third field. 


To setup course information, please go to Administration/Course.


7.) Enter the number of credits this test allows (if applicable to your institution).

8.) Enter a description of the test.  Example: Sterilizing/Sanitation.

9.) Click Save in the top left corner.


How do I edit an existing test definition?

We do not suggest editing any test definitions.  Once you have assigned that definition to student’s grades any changes may cause changes in their records.  We always suggest entering a new test definition and start using the new one, once something has changed.  Please see above on how to enter a test definition.


How do I delete an existing test definition?

We do not suggest deleting any test definitions.  Once you have assigned that definition to student’s grades any changes may cause changes in their records.  We always suggest entering a new test definition and start using the new one, once something has changed.  Please see above on how to enter a test definition.


Where in SMART will this information be utilized?
Test definitions will be utilized when entering test grades for a student’s profile; either in the Grades or Multiple Grades section of  They will also appear in many reports that have to do with academics.




What is the purpose of the Alumni section?
The purpose of the Alumni Section is to store Alumni student information in a centralized, easily accessible location. If you need to run reports for alumni, you can do this in the alumni reports section.  You can easily access employer information and certain demographic information.  An important note to remember is if you need to edit most demographic information you will want to go in from the student section and not the Alumni section.  The Alumni section is mainly for tracking graduate students, employer information, and State Board exam records.  Because of this, you will not find much demographic detail besides name, address, phone number, and email address.





How do I view my Alumni?
To view Alumni profiles:

1.)  Click on Alumni from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Alumni Profiles from the left menu options.

3.)  Enter your search criteria.

4.)  Click the Search button.

5.)  Click on the student name.

6.)  You will be directed to the Alumni profile.  The information that will be present in this section is: name, address, phone number, and email address, pass place codes for exam, graduation status, and license information.      


How do Alumni get added in SMART?
A student will switch to Alumni once they have been graduated in the student section of      


How do you graduate a student to become Alumni?
To graduate a student:

1.)  Click Students from the left menu option.

2.)  Click Profile.

3.)  Enter the search criteria for the student you wish to graduate.

4.)  Click the Search option.

5.)  Click the student’s name.

6.)  The personal tab will load.

7.)  Click the Graduate button in the top tool bar of the personal tab.

8.)  A blank box will appear, you will enter the graduation date here.

9.)  Once you have entered the graduation date, click save.

10.)   A screen will appear where you will enter the graduate’s current information including address, email, and telephone number.  You will also have the ability to store their exam information including pass codes, graduate status, exam date, license number, exam grade, and employment code. These codes are important and may be needed for certain reports. Just click in each box you wish to complete and enter the information.

11.)   Click Save at the top left corner.

12.)   Enter employment information by clicking on the top tab that says employer one. You also have employer two, and three for future tracking purposes.


** The print option that appears in the top tool bar allows you to easily print employment history.


For more information on the Alumni Reports please see Reports/Alumni Reports.


How do I edit or add information to an existing Alumni Profile?
There is only so much information that can be added or updated on an Alumni Profile.  You can add or edit a student’s address, phone number, email address, employer 1, 2 and 3 information, pass/place codes, graduate status, and license information.  If you need to edit any other demographic information you will go to the student sections and change your list filter to graduate students.

To edit Alumni information:

1.)  Click on Alumni from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Alumni profile from the left menu options.

3.)  Enter your search criteria.

4.)  Click on the search option.

5.)  Click on the student name.

6.)  Edit or add the data by clicking in each box you wish to add data to and typing in the information.  If you need to edit information on different tabs, be sure to save your work before moving on to another tab.

7.)  Click Save in the top left corner.


How do I un-graduate a student?
To un-graduate a student:

          1.) Once you have entered the grad date and hit save you will be brought to the Personal tab of the Alumni          section. Click the Un-graduate button in the top left tool bar.
          2.) The student is now in an active status.


Where Reports are specific to the Alumni section?
There are many useful and necessary reports generating from information that is listed in the Alumni section.


To see more on reports please see Reports/Alumni Reports section of the help topics.


What are Pass Codes?
The pass code field is where you will record the student’s results of the license exam. There are 11 pass codes hard-coded in  You can always hard code more pass codes if the available options do not work for your institution. 


To see more on adding pass codes to your list of options please see Administration/Codes/Pass Codes of the Help Topics.


Where can I hard code pass-codes?
You can add more hard codes for pass codes in the administration section. 


For more information on adding pass codes to the available list please see:  Administration/Codes/Pass-Place codes.

What is Graduate Status?
Graduate status is where you will store the status of each Alumni.  This information may be needed later for certain reports or accrediting agencies. The available graduate status codes are pre hard coded and can not be added to or changed. 


The options you will find in the drop down menu are:

Employed in Field- Student has graduated and found work in same field.

Epld in Unrel- Student has graduated and is employed in an unrelated field.

Further Education- Student has enrolled in a different program/school to further their education.

Unemployed- Student has graduated but has not found work in either a related or unrelated field.

Unknown- Student has graduated but their employment status is not known.

Other Unavailable- Student has graduated and employment status option is not available in drop down options.

Incarcerated- Student has graduated but is now incarcerated.

Active Military Service- Student has graduated and is now active in the military.

Death- Student has graduated, but has passed away.

Medical- Student has graduated but is not employed due to medical issues.

International Std- Student has graduated but is an international student.


Can I hard code graduate status codes?
Graduate status codes are pre- programmed based on required tracking information.  These can not be added to, or changed by a normal user.

What is the License Exam Date field?
The License Exam Date field is to record the date the student passed their exam.  This information may not be required for your institution to track, but is available in for those schools who are required or wish to track.

What is the License Number field?
The License Number field is to record the student’s license number upon passing the exam.  This information may not be required for your institution to track, but is available in for those schools who are required or wish to track this information.

What is the exam grade field?
The exam grade field is to record the student’s grade received on the exam.  This information may not be required for your institution to track, but is available in for those schools who are required or wish to track this information.

What is the employment code field?
The employment Code field is where you will track each student’s employment codes.  An example of an added employment code could be:  Cosmetologist or Nail Tech.  These codes do not come pre-programmed and is left up to the user as to how they want to utilize this field. 

Where can I hard code employment codes?
Employment codes can be added to as hard codes.  These codes are user defined and do not come pre hard coded. 


To see more on entering employment codes please see Administration/Codes/Employment codes section of the Help Topics.


How do I list employment information on an Alumni?

1.)  Click on Alumni from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Alumni Profile.

3.)  Enter your search criteria.

4.)  Click the Search button.

5.)  Click on the student name.

6.)  You will be brought to the Alumni’s basic profile.  From there you will click the tab for First Employer, Second Employer, or Third Employer, depending on which option pertains to the student you are adding information on.

7.)  You will see at the top of this section:  Date Last Modified. This is self explanatory, it gives that last date that anyone has added or changed that employer’s information. Once you save your options you will see the current date and time under Date Last Modified.

8.)  Enter the company name in the Company field.

9.)  Enter first name and last name. (This could be the name of a contact person or a boss in the company).

10.)   Enter the employer’s address in the Address fields.

11.)   Enter Phone Number in the phone number field.

12.)   Enter the date the Alumni started the job in the Start Date field.

13.)   Enter the hourly wage in the Hourly Wage field.

14.)   Enter the annual income in the Annual Income field.

15.)   Enter the email address (this could be the company email address or a contact person’s email address).

16.)   Click Save in the top left corner of the Alumni section.


How do I post to a ledger for an Alumni student?
In order to post or view a ledger for an Alumni student you will have to go to the profile from the student section.  As stated earlier the Alumni section is used to track only the necessary items required for Alumni. 

To get to the ledger of an Alumni student

1.)  Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Single Student Ledger from the left menu options.

3.)  Enter your search criteria.

4.)  Change the Search filter list by clicking Graduate Students from the drop down menu next to Filter.

5.)  Click the search button.

6.)  Click on the Graduate’s name.  This will take you to their ledger and you will be able to follow posting           procedures. 


To see more on posting to the ledger please see the ledger section of the help topics.




What is the purpose of Student section?

The main goal of the student section is to keep track of all student information in an organized manner.  In the student section you will have the capability to view and update attendance, store and view your uploaded documents, compile a student’s financial aid worksheet, enter and view grades, record a leave of absence, access student’s profile information,  perform R2T4 and refund calculations, and access a single student ledger and schedule.  This section is also where you will set any flags (reminders), and store any notes in OnlineSmart.Net that aren’t called for in any other section but do pertain to a specific student.  The purpose of the student section of OnlineSmart.Net is to make your daily operations user friendly and functional.  We have designed the Student section so that you can easily navigate your way through it.  Each category is readily available on the left hand side of the screen.  Anything you need in this section is just one click away!





How do I manually enter attendance?

To manually enter attendance:

1.) From the left menu options click students.

2.) Click attendance.

3.) Enter the student’s name in the search criteria and click search.

4) Click on New.

5.) Enter the date of attendance you are inputting under the date field.

6.) Enter the number of days you are inputting (if you are doing one mass entry for several days for example you are doing one entry for three days you would enter a 3 in the day’s field. If you are doing entries for one day enter a 1 in the day field).

7.) Enter the total hours according to your schools policy.  There is an option to break the total hours for each day into demo, non clinic, clinic and total hours.  If it is not your school’s policy to break down the hours and you just track a daily total you can change the way you view and enter attendance.  To change the view you will go to:

          a.) Administration

          b.) Basic Set up

          c.) School Features

          d.) Uncheck the box: Attendance Break Down

          e.) Click on Save.  After you have done this and go back to the attendance screen you will only see the option to      enter total hours instead of seeing the breakdown. 

8.) Once you have entered the total hours for the day (or days) mark whether the student was absent or present by clicking in either the absent or present field.

9.) Click Save New (to the right of the absent/present field).


How do I manually edit attendance?

To manually edit an attendance entry that has already been saved:

1.) From the left menu options click Students.

2.) Click attendance.

3.) Enter the student’s name in your search criteria and click the search button.

4.) Find the entry you wish to edit.

5.) Click on edit (to the far right of the specific row of attendance you wish to edit).

6.) Once you have clicked on edit you have the ability of updating anything you entered (date, number of days, hours).

7.) Once you have updated the necessary information click on Update (located on the far right of the row you are updating).


How do I manually delete attendance?

To manually delete attendance that has already been entered:

1.) From the left menu options click Students.

2.) Click attendance.

3.) Enter the student’s name in your search criteria and click the search button.

4.) Find the entry you wish to delete.

5.) Click on the delete option to the far right of the row you wish to delete.

6.) A pop-up box will appear that asks ‘are you sure you want to delete this entry’, click yes if you have verified you are deleting the appropriate entry.

You have now deleted an attendance entry!


How do I enter multiple student attendance?

OnlineSmart.Net has been formatted to give you the capability to enter multiple students and multiple days in the Student section.  For example if your school had a field trip and students were not able to clock in and out that day you can use the multiple student attendance section to easily enter all your student’s time for that day. To enter multiple student attendance:

1.) From the left menu options click Students.

2.) Click Multiple Student Attendance.

3.) Enter the first few letters of the student’s last name in the first blank box under the Name field. Once you have done that a drop down box will appear with a list of all active student’s whose last name begins with the first few letters you entered. Instead of having to enter the entire name you can choose which student you want to add attendance for in the drop down box.

4.) Once you have chosen a name the permit # will auto-populate; you will not need to enter this information.

5.) The date will auto-populate with the current date, however you just have to tab to the date field if you need to change it.

6.) After entering the name, and date, you can also enter the number of days you want to enter in the days field.

7.) Enter the total hours in the Total Hours field.

8.) Choose whether the student is absent or present by clicking in the appropriate circle.

9.) You will repeat these steps on the same screen for all student you need to enter attendance for.

10.) Once you are finished you will click Save in the top left corner.


Reports Specific to Attendance


To see reports specific to Attendance, please see the Reports/Attendance section of the help topics.





Why do we upload documents into OnlineSmart.Net Student section?

Having the ability to upload documents into OnlineSmart.Net is an exciting new feature.  There are many benefits to uploading student documents.  Uploading documents can alleviate having to physically pull a prospect student’s file.  If you are working in OnlineSmart.Net but are not at a location where a file is accessible and you have uploaded documents to a prospect/student, then you can view that information right from OnlineSmart.Net.  This can save a lot of time.  Another example of why this feature is so important is if for any reason files were destroyed, you could rest easy knowing all needed documents have been scanned and uploaded in OnlineSmart.Net and all you have to do is print them from there.  They are all backed up at a remote secure offsite location.


How do you upload documents into Student section?

To upload documents into OnlineSmart.Net, you will first scan the document and save it to your computer.  You will then follow these easy steps:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Documents from the left menu options.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search button.

5.) Click on the student’s name.

6.) If you are adding a document that is already programmed as a list title (i.e. High School Diploma, School contract, SLM docs) you will click add to the left of the document name.


To see more on prelisting document titles see administration/Document Definition section of the help topics.


If you are adding a new document that is NOT prelisted in OnlineSmart.Net you will click:   

a.) New

b.) Type in a name for the document (i.e. FAFSA, Drivers License, etc)

c.) Type in the description of the document (i.e. Copy of FAFSA, Copy of driver license)

d.) Continue with steps 7-8       


 7.) Once you have found the document in your computer double click the document name.

 8.) Click SAVE.


How do you view and delete Documents from Student section?

To view or delete a document from OnlineSmart.Net:

          1.) Go to Students.

          2.) Click on documents.

          3.) Type in your search criteria.

          4.) Hit the search button.

          5.) Click on the Student's name

          6.) To View the document: From the list that appears you will click GET to the far right of the name of the document you want to view and/or print.To Delete the document: From the list that appears you will click DELETE to the far right of the name of the document you want to delete.





What is the importance of the Financial Aid Worksheet?

The Financial Aid Worksheet tab is where you will enter a student’s awards.  Once awards have been entered for the different payment periods you will have the ability to print an award letter.


How do you enter the estimated financial plan?

To enter the estimated financial plan you go to:

1.) Go to Students.

2.) Click on Financial Aid Worksheet.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) Choose the year in the "year field" by clicking the drop down. *** Choose the later year in the current award year.  For example: for 2009/2010 you would use 2010 for the year.

7.) Click in the appropriate flags that apply to the student.  (Please see below for Flag information).

8.) When the financial aid worksheet loads, a blank row will automatically appear on the screen to enter the student’s first award.  Every time you save an entry a new blank row will appear underneath.

9.) Click the drop down box on the blank row under the word Program.  Choose the name of the award you are entering i.e. Pell, FSEOG, FFELS.

10.) Click the drop down box under Enrollment/pay period.  Your enrollment or pay periods will already be listed upon assigning a course to a student profile.  (To see more on adding pay periods please see the Administration/Course Set up section)

11.) Enter the Anticipated Disbursement Date.

12.) Enter the award amount under the Award field.

13.) The Disbursed and Remaining field will auto-populate.  Once part of an award has disbursed the amount that came in will show in the disbursed field and the remaining amount to be disbursed will show in the remaining field.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that the pay period that is assigned when setting up the award must match the pay period that is assigned to the posting on the ledger.  If these two pay periods do not match than you will not see the Disbursed and Remaining fields update as disbursements get posted to the ledger.


14.) You will choose whether the specific award you are entering is need based aid, or not.  All you have to do is check the box under Need Based if the award is need based aid.

15.) The last option on the row is to either Edit or Save an entry.  If you are entering a new award and want to save it, once you are finished recording your information in this section you would then click Save.


How do I edit an award already set up in the Financial Aid Worksheet?

To edit a pre-existing award:

1.) Go to Students.

2.) Click on Financial Aid Worksheet.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) Find the row that contains the award you wish to edit and click the edit button on the right side of the row.

7.) Edit or update the existing information to reflect the current information.

8.) Click Update to the right of the row you are updating and this will save the data you just entered.


How do I Enter the Financial Plan for subsequent award years?

To enter a Financial Plan for subsequent award years go to:

1.) Go to Students.

2.) Click on Financial Aid Worksheet.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) When you get to the Financial Aid Worksheet you will want to look for the section (on the left side of the screen that says: Year.  You will want to change the year to the next coming year.  For example if you are currently in 2008/2009 award year you would want to enter the subsequent year awards in 2010/2011. You choose a new year by clicking in the drop down menu next to the word ‘Year’ and selecting the appropriate year for your subsequent year awards.

7.) When the financial aid worksheet loads, a blank row will automatically appear on the screen you can enter the student’s first award.  Every time you save an entry a new blank row will appear underneath.

8.) Click the drop down box on the blank row under the word Program.  Choose the name of the award you are entering i.e. Pell, FSEOG, FFELS.

9.) Click the drop down box under Enrollment/pay period.  Your enrollment or pay periods will already be listed upon assigning a course to a student profile.  (To see more on adding pay periods please see the Administration/Course Set up section)

10.) Enter the Anticipated Disbursement Date.

11.) Enter the award amount under the Award field.

12.) The Disbursed and Remaining field will auto-populate.  Once part of an award has disbursed the amount that came in will show in the disbursed field and the remaining amount to be disbursed will show in the remaining field.


IMPORTANT: Remember that the pay period that is assigned when setting up the award must match the pay period that is assigned to the posting on the ledger.  If these two pay periods do not match, you will not see the Disbursed and Remaining fields update as disbursements get posted to the ledger.


13.) You will choose whether the specific award you are entering is need based aid, or not.  Check the box under Need Based if the award is need based aid.

The last option on the row is to either Edit or Save an entry.  If you are entering a new award and want to save it, once you are finished recording your information in this section click Save.


Why would I check the Title IV eligibility box?

The Title IV eligible box is very important.  You must check this box for each student that is Title IV eligible.  This will be one of the flags you see under the flag section that will always appear on the right side of most screens. This allows the person who will be posting Title IV disbursements to know this student is in fact eligible for Title IV. To remove the flag you simply uncheck the box and save.  If you do not check the Title IV eligible box, when someone is posting to the ledger they will not see any Title IV programs listed in the program drop down menu.  Title IV will not be available to be posted to the ledger until the flag is checked in the Financial Aid worksheet section of OnlineSMART.Net.


Why would I check the NSLDS box?

Another very important flag is the NSLDS field.  You can check this box and it will allow any person looking at the student in OnlineSmart.Net to see right away they still need to run NSLDS.  This will be one of the flags you see under the flag section to the right of the student profile.  If you need NSLDS on a student you just click the box and it will automatically set the flag and click save. To remove the flag you simply uncheck the box and save.


Why would I check the In Default Box?

The purpose of the In Default Flag Box is to alleviate any posting that a student may not be eligible for due to being in default on a federal student loan.  As soon as you discover a student is in default you would want to check this box right away and click save.  This is also a useful tool to remind you to monitor a student who had a prior default and is on the six consecutive payment plans with the DOE.  When the student is no longer in default you can uncheck the box, and click save to remove the flag. The Flag will appear in the flag section always displayed vertically on the right side of the screen in the student profile.


What is the Cost of Attendance?

Currently under construction.


What is the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)?

The EFC displays in the Financial Aid worksheet when the ISIR has been imported.

NOTE: If you do not upload ISIRs, the EFC will not display in


What are Need based / Non-Need Based Award Types?

When you are setting up awards in the financial aid section of you have the option to check the box if the award is need based.  Examples of need based aid would be Pell Grant, FESOG, Subsidized Loan etc. When assigning a student your schools determined need based aid, be sure to check the Need Based box. If you are setting up your school’s determined NON-need based aid, you simply leave the Need Based box unchecked.  


What is an Award letter?

The award letter is used to advise the student of their estimated financial aid awards. The amount of aid that displays on the award letter print out will come from the aid that is set up on the financial aid worksheet.  The award letter in OnlineSMART.NET also contains authorization to credit account, information on if the award includes a loan, a notice to notify the financial aid office in the event of award or circumstance changes, information on how aid will be disbursed, and notice to remain in satisfactory academic progress. The award letter also advises that change in enrollment status may affect awards, that awards are for current year only, and gives the notice of right to cancel.  By the student signing, you can eliminate additional forms because of the notifications that are in included on the award letter.


How do I Print an Award letter?

To print an award letter from the financial aid screen:

1.) Click the print option in the top tool bar of the financial aid screen, located near the email option.

2.) Click on the Student Financial Aid Award Notice option in the Report List box that appears.

3.) Enter the award year of the award letter you wish to print (for example 08/09 would be 2009).

4.) Click the view report option at the top right hand corner of this page.

5.) To print the report you will want to select a format from the “select a format” drop down box. A standard format to print would be Acrobat (PDF) file.

6.) Once you have chosen a format click the blue Export option.

7.) A pop up box will appear that gives you the option to print or save.  If you only want to print but do not want to save this award letter to your desk top click Open.  If you need to save this award letter before you print click Save and you will have the option of where you want to save your award letter on your computer.

8.) Once the PDF file loads click the print option at the top left side of the page.


How do I track Verification?

To track verification for each student:

1.) Click Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click Financial Aid Worksheet.

3.) Choose an option in the drop down box next to Verification. The options are:

a.) Not Required- not require

b.) Accurate- info accurate

c.) Reprocessed

d.) Tolerance

e.) W/O Documentation

f.)  Selected, Not Verif.





How do I enter grades in the student profile?

To enter grades from a student’s profile:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Grades from the left menu options.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are submitting grades for.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) When the Grade page loads a blank row will automatically be present to enter a new grade. Under the Test field you will choose which test you are adding to the student’s grades

7.) Enter the date of the test under the Date field.

8.) The type of test will auto-populate with what was set up in the administration section under test definitions.  When each test was added to the Test Definitions the option is given to choose Theory, Major, or Lab. 


IMPORTANT:  Please note Lab grades do have their own section, so the only time you would want to choose lab during the Test Definition set up is if that particular lab you are setting up would be considered part of a test or theory curriculum. 


For more information on setting up Test, and Lab definitions please see Administration/Lab Definitions or Administration/Test Definitions.


9.) Enter the grade under the Grade field. 

10.) Click in the box under the Affects GPA field if the grade you are entering will affect the GPA.  If the grade does not affect the GPA uncheck the box and this grade will not be a part of the GPA calculation.

11.) Click Save toward the far right of the row you are updating.


How do I enter Lab grades in the student’s profile?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Lab Grades.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are submitting grades for.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) When the Lab Grade page loads a blank row will automatically be there to enter a new grade. Enter the date under the date field.

7.) Choose a lab from the drop down menu under the lab section.

8.) Enter the grade for the lab.  If there is no grade, leave this as zero. 

9.) Enter the number performed of the particular lab you are entering.

10.) Enter the credit/Hours for that Lab (If applicable and if Basic Set up and School Features are set up for Lab Hour Included.  To learn more about school features please see Administration/Basic Set up/School Features of help topics.


How do I enter multiple lab grades?

The multiple lab grade section gives the user the ability to enter grades for multiple students, or to enter multiple grades on the same student without having to click new and save each time you want to enter a new grade.


To enter multiple lab grades:

1.)  Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.)  Click on Multiple Lab Grades from the left menu options.

3.)  Enter the first few letters of the student’s last name and a drop down box will appear that lets you click on the name of the student without having to type in the whole name.

4.)  The permit # will auto-populate once you have chosen a name.

5.)  The date will auto-populate with the current date, but if you need to change this you can tab to the Date field and enter a new date.

6.)  Choose the lab you wish to enter from the drop down menu under the Lab field.

7.)  The Affects GPA box will auto-fill, leave this if the grade you are entering does in fact affect the GPA. If the grade being entered does NOT affect the GPA, uncheck this by clicking in the box.  Make sure the box does not have a green check in it if the grade does not affect the GPA.

8.)  Enter the # performed; this is the number of labs the student completed; i.e. a student completed 10 shampoo sets, enter a 10 here.

9.)  Enter the grade.  If this lab does not affect the GPA and has no grade you can leave it as zero.  As long as the affects GPA box is not checked this will not affect the overall grade.

10.)  Enter the number of credits or hours under the Credit/Hours field if it applies to your school.

11.)  Once you have entered grades for all students be sure to click the Save button at the top left corner of the screen.


How do I enter multiple Theory/Test grades?

OnlineSMART.Net has the ability to enter multiple theory grades for one or more students. Instead of going to each student’s profile you can go to the Multiple Grades section to enter your theory and test grades.


To enter multiple theory and test grades:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Multiple Test Grades from the left menu options.

3.) Type the first few letters of the student’s last name under the Name field. A drop down box will appear which will allow you to choose the name of the student and not have to type the full name in.

4.) Once you have chosen the name the Permit number field will auto-populate for you.

5.) The date will auto-populate with the current date, however if you need to change the date you can tab over or click in the Date field and enter the correct date.

6.) Choose the name of the test from the drop down menu in the Test field.

7.) The affects GPA box will auto-populate with a check mark (meaning this test will affect the GPA). If the test does not affect the GPA click in the box to uncheck it. The green check will disappear and this test will not be used in the GPA calculation.

8.) Enter the grade of the test in the Grade Field.

9.) Once you have entered all your tests be sure to click Save in the top left corner of this page.





How do I schedule a Leave of Absence in OnlineSMART.Net?

The ability to track student’s LOA’s in OnlineSMART.Net is one of the many useful features available. This feature will allow you to easily track your student’s while they are on LOA, there are certain Flags available to inform you of how many LOA day’s each student has taken, and there are certain warnings given if attendance is being entered for a student who is on LOA.


To enter an LOA:

1.) Click Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Leave of Absence from the left menu options.
3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering an LOA for.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Enter the start and end dates of the LOA at the bottom section labeled start date and end date.

7.) Click the Insert Range button.

8.) Click Save at the top left corner of the screen.

9.) A pop up box will appear giving you the option to save the revised contract grad date. If you wish to use this date click ok, if you wish to calculate the date yourself click Cancel.


IMPORTANT: If you choose to calculate your own revised graduation date remember to go to the Financial tab in the student’s profile to change this date.


What does it mean when some of the attendance records in the attendance section are highlighted in red?

When a student has an attendance record for a day they are scheduled to be on an LOA, or have dropped, the specific attendance record will be flagged and highlighted in red. This is to alert you that the student has an attendance record for a day they are scheduled not to be there. In order for this function to work, the students schedule does need to be set up and maintained. Once an LOA has been set up for a student in the LOA section of OnlineSMART.Net, the days in the LOA date range will automatically be removed from the schedule for you. An important note to remember: If you are back dating an LOA; the days will not automatically be removed from the schedule. Although the LOA may be backdated and the days passed it is still imperative to go into the schedule and remove the days in the LOA. Certain reports and calculations can be affected by the schedule. In order for those to be correct each student’s schedule needs to be updated any time there are changes to the schedule.


How do you remove an LOA from the LOA screen?

If you entered the wrong LOA dates or the dates have changed you have the ability to remove or change it.


To remove days from the LOA:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Leave of Absence from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click Search.

5.) Click on the student’s name you need to correct.

6.) Click on the days you want to take out of the LOA on the calendar. They will be highlighted in black, and once you click on a specific day it will turn gray. Once you have made your correction click save in the top right corner.

7.)  Click Save in the top left corner.

8.) A pop up box will appear giving you the option to save the revised contract grad date. If you wish to use this date click ok, if you wish to calculate the date yourself click Cancel.


IMPORTANT:  If you choose to calculate your own revised graduation date remember to go to the Financial tab in the student’s profile to change this date.


How do you add days to a previously scheduled LOA?

You can add days to a previously scheduled LOA. For example if a student needs to extend the LOA. To add days to a previously scheduled LOA:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Leave of Absence from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click Search.

5.) Click on the student’s name you need to correct.

6.) Enter the revised start and end date of the LOA in the Leave of Absence date range fields.

7.) Click Insert Range.

8.) A pop up box will appear giving you the option to save the revised contract grad date. If you wish to use this date click ok, if you wish to calculate the date yourself click Cancel.


IMPORTANT:  If you choose to calculate your own revised graduation date remember to go to the financial tab in the student’s profile to change this date.





What is the Personal tab used for?

The purpose of the Personal tab is to store all of the student’s personal and demographic information in one centralized, easy to access page. This is the first tab you will see when you go to the student’s profile, making it easy to obtain necessary demographic information on a particular student. The profile tab is where you will store all demographic and general information on a student. What you will find on the general tab:

Student Name, Race, Residence State, FA type,

Address, Sex, Admission Rep, Driver License state,

Social Security Number, High school Grad info, Veteran Status, # of Dependents,

Email Address, Referral Code, Marital Status, Tracking Code,

Phone and Fax Numbers, Driver License number, previous school, Scholastic Level,

Date of Birth, Dependency status, Education Level.

Important Flags and Notes are also easily accessible from this page.


On the left side of the screen you can view:


          Last Name

          First Name:


          Permit #:

          Contract Hrs:

          Hours to Date:

          Transfer Hour:



          Has Notes


          Ledger Close:

          Needs NSLDS

          Title IV Eligible


          No in Default:
          Over Contract

          On LOA:

          Attempted Credits

          Earned Credit


          Start Date

          Last Attended

          Projected Grad

          Contract Grad






How do you access the Personal Tab?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu options.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the Search option.

5.) Click on the student’s name you wish to view.

6.) The personal tab will automatically display every time you choose to go to a student’s profile.


How do you enter information in the Student Profile Tab?

1.) Click Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile form the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the search button.

5.) Click on the student’s name you are entering profile information for.

6.) Click in the field you need to add or edit information too.

7.) Type in the information you need to store.

8.) Click Save in the top left corner of the student profile toolbar.


IMPORTANT: Before you move on to another tab or section make sure you save the information you just entered.


Navigating away from the personal tab

OnlineSMART.Net has been programmed for the user to easily navigate to different sections of a student’s information, or to navigate to another student’s information. At the top of the student profile you will see the following options:



          Lab Grades






          Fin Aid



How can you view other sections for the same student whose personal tab you are viewing from the student profile section?

To view all other information on the same student from their personal tab in their profile:

1.) Click Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile form the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the search button.

5.) Click on the student’s name you are entering profile information for.

6.) Click on any of the options in the tool bar at the top of the personal tab section. The information you can view is listed above.

7.) Once you have clicked on an option from the above tool bar you will be directed to that section for the same student.


How can I view information on other student’s from another student’s profile section?

To view information on a different student from one student’s profile tab:

1.) Click on any of the options in the main menu always displayed on the left side of any screen you are in; including the personal tab.

2.) You will be directed to the section where you will enter the new student’s search criteria.

3.) Click the search button.

4.) Click the student’s name you wish to view information on.

5.) You will be directed to the information you chose to view for a different student.


How do you view notes from a student’s profile?

To view notes:

1.) Click Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile form the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the search button.

5.) Click on the student’s name you are entering notes for.

6.) Click the little note pad icon in the top right corner of the profile page.

7.) All notes set for a student will display in this section.

8.) To view a specific note set, click on the date of the note you want read.

9.) The note will appear in the same part of the screen where the lists of all notes were displayed.


How do you add a note to the student’s profile?

To view notes:

1.) Click Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile form the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the search button.

5.) Click on the student name you are adding notes too.

6.) Click the little note pad icon in the top right corner of the profile page.

7.) Click New.

8.) Click in the box "Follow Up" if a follow up is required for the specific note you are setting.

9.) Enter the date the follow up needs to be performed, to the right of the Follow Up option.

10.) If you want OnlineSMART.Net to remind you a certain amount of days before the follow up is required enter the number of days you wish to be notified in the box between “Remind” and “days before date”.

11.) Choose who you want the follow up to be performed by. You do this by clicking in either the “creator only” or “Anyone” option.

12.) Enter the subject of the note in the box next to "Subject".

13.) Enter your note in the empty box shown under the Subject field.

14.) Click add in the bottom left corner of the note section.


How do you set a note to show it has been followed up on?

1.) Click Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the search button.

5.) Click the little note pad icon in the top right corner of the profile page.

6.) All notes set for a student will display in this section.

7.) To update a specific note, click on the date of the note you want to update.

8.) The note will appear in the same part of the screen where the lists of all notes display.

9.) At the bottom of the note description, click in the box to the left of “Followed up on”.

10.) Enter your name, initials, Id number, or whatever your school uses to identify each employee in the box to the right of “By”.

11.) Click add in the bottom left corner of the note section of the page.


Satisfactory Progress Flag (SAP)

The purpose of the Satisfactory Progress flag is to allow the user to quickly view the student’s progress. For example if you see a student is appearing as not in SAP on a report and you think they should, you can go the student’s profile and easily view their current AMA and GPA, against their required AMA and GPA. This will quickly show you why that student is not in Satisfactory Academic Progress, without all the research or hand calculations.


Where can you view why a student is not in Satisfactory Academic Progress?

To quickly view why a student is not in SAP:

1.) Click Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the search button.

5.) Click on the student's name

6.) Click the red check mark in the top right hand corner of the flag section in the student’s profile.

7.) The top part of this section will show the student’s current GPA and AMA.

8.) The middle section displays the student’s schedule.

9.) The bottom section shows the School details including their required minimum GPA and AMA, and the grade weighting scale. You can compare the required minimums to the student’s actual calculations.


How do you graduate a student?

You can graduate a student from the personal tab in their profile. To graduate a student:

1.) Click Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click Profile.
3.) Enter the search criteria for the student you wish to graduate.

4.) Click the Search option.

5.) Click the student’s name.

6.) The personal tab will load.

7.) Click the Graduate button in the top tool bar of the personal tab.

8.) A blank box will appear, you will enter the graduation date here.

9.) Once you have entered the graduation date, click save.

10.) A screen will appear where you will enter the graduate’s current information including address, email, and telephone number. You will also have the ability to store their exam information including pass codes, graduate status, exam date, license number, exam grade, and employment code. These codes are important and may be needed for certain reports. Just click in each box you wish to complete and enter the information.

11.) Click Save at the top left corner.

12.) Enter employment information by clicking on the top tab that says employer one. You also have employer two, and three for future tracking purposes.


** The print option that appears in the top tool bar allows you to easily print employment history.


For more information on the Alumni Reports please see: Reports/Alumni Reports.


How do you Un-Graduate a student if you accidentally graduated them?

If you accidentally graduated a student in OnlineSMART.Net and realize it while you are still in the Alumni screen, you can quickly un-graduate them.

To un-graduate a student:

1.) Once you have entered the grad date and hit save you will be brought to the Personal tab of the Alumni section. Click the Un-graduate button in the top left tool bar.

2.) The student is now back into an active status.


How do you Un-Graduate a student if you are no longer in the alumni section?

1.) Click Alumni from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Alumni Profile.

3.) Enter the search criteria of the student who needs to be un-graduated.

4.) Click the Search option.

5.) Click on the student’s name.

6.) Click the Un-graduate button in the top left tool bar.

7.) The student is now back into an active status.






What is the purpose of the Academics Tab?

The purpose of the academic tab is to store the academic information in a centralized, easily accessible location. This is formatted for a place to view certain enrollment information such as Program information, important dates, drop and reenroll history, and attendance and enrollment information.


How do you access the Academic Tab?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Profiles.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click the Search option.

5.) Click on the student’s name you wish to view.

6.) The personal tab will automatically display every time you choose to go to a student’s profile; to go to the academic tab click on the tab at the top of the screen that says “Academic. You will be directed to the Academic Tab from the Personal Tab.


What information can you find in the Program Information section of the academic tab?

In the Program information tab you will find:

Course information

The name of the contracted course will appear here. This will be assigned when enrolling the student. This can be changed by clicking the drop down menu and choosing a new course. This change does not require you to click save. Once a new course has been chosen the page will reload and the new course will automatically save for you.

Contract Amount

The contracted amount of the course will appear here. This figure will appear when you assign a course to a student. The contract amount is entered in the administration section when a course is originally set up in OnlineSMART.Net.


To see more on setting up courses please see: Administration/Course



The contracted hours or contracted credits (whichever applies to your institution) will appear here. This number will appear when you choose a course. The hours/credits are stored in the administration section when a course is originally set up in OnlineSMART.Net.


To see more on setting up courses please see: Administration/Course


Schedule in Weeks or Months

The number of weeks or months will appear here. This number will be added when enrolling a student to become active in The number of weeks or months in the course is usually found on the enrollment agreement or contract.



What class the student is enrolled in (day or night) will appear here. This information will be added when enrolling a student to become active in


Permit Number

The permit number will appear here. OnlineSMART.Net will automatically assign this number when you enroll a student.  This is a unique number and will only be assigned one time. 


How do I change a permit number already assigned?

1.)     Click Students from the left menu option.

2.)     Click Profile from the left menu option.

3.)     Enter your search criteria for the student you wish to update.

4.)     Click the search button.

5.)     Click on the student’s name.

6.)     You will be directed to the personal tab, click on the Academic tab toward the top of the personal profile section.

7.)     Click in the box to the right of “permit number”.

8.)     Enter the permit number you wish to assign to the student.

9.)     Click save in the top left corner of the profile section.


What information can you find in the Dates section of the academic tab?

In the date section of the Academic tab you will find the Initial Contact date (this will be set when you originally enter the student as a prospect), the First contact date, Enrollment date, Original Start date, and Start date.  These dates will be defined based on school policy.  The User determines what the First contact, and enrollment dates are.  The original start date is what you enter when the student enrolls for the first time.  The start date will match the original start date, unless the student has dropped and re enrolled or re entered.


How do I enter a date in the Date section of the Academic tab in the Student Profile?
1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profiles.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.

7.) Click in the box to the right of the date you need enter and input the date.

8.) Click Save at the top left corner of the page.


How do you edit a date that is previously entered in the Date section of the Academic tab in the Student Profile?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.
2.) Click on Profiles.
3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.
5.) Click on the name of the student.
6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.
7.) Click in the box to the right of the date you need to edit.

IMPORTANT:  Initial contact is automatically set when adding a prospect to OnlineSMART.Net. This date can not be edited.

8.) Enter the revised date.
9.) Click Save in the top left corner of the screen.


What information can you find in the Drop and Reenroll History section of the academic tab?
The Drop and Reenroll History section of the academic tab will store any time the student has dropped or reenrolled.  You will see the drop or reenroll date on the left, whether it was a drop or reenroll in the middle, and the reason on the right.

How do you Drop a student in OnlineSMART.Net?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.
2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu option.
3.) Enter your search criteria.
4.) Hit the Search option.
5.) Click on the name of the student.
6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.
7.) Locate the Drop and Reenroll History section halfway down the page.
8.) Enter the drop date under the date section.

9.) Choose the Drop code.  These codes will be set up in the administration section.


To see more on hard coding drop codes, please see Administration/Codes/Drop Code.

10.) Click on the Drop button.


How do you delete a drop if you accidentally dropped them in OnlineSMART.Net?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.
2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu option.
3.) Enter your search criteria.
4.) Hit the Search option.
5.) Click on the name of the student.
6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.
7.) Locate the Drop and Reenroll History section halfway down the page.
8.) You will find a Delete option to the right of the drop you wish to delete, click on the delete option.
9.) The student is now back in an Active status.


How do you Reenroll a student who has been dropped?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profiles.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.

7.) Scroll down to the Drop and Reenroll history section.

8.) Enter the Reenroll date in the blank box to the left of “Reenroll”.

9.) Click on the Reenroll button.

10.) Student is now reenrolled and back in Active status.


What information can you find in the Attendance and Enrollment Information section of the academic tab?

The Attendance and Enrollment information section on the Academic tab will contain information on Enrollment Type (Full time, 3-4 time, half time, part time), Transfer code, transfer hours, transfer credits, clinic transfer hours. This information is important, and can easily be viewed or updated in the Academic tab of the student’s profile. Total hours to date, Grand total hours, and AMA will also display in this section. These three fields will automatically populate and can not be changed.


What is Enrollment Type?

The Enrollment type is the type of classes the student is enrolled in. This information is necessary for certain tracking and report purposes. This is where you will list whether the student is Full time, Part Time, Half Time, or 3/4 Time.


How do you change the Enrollment Type?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.

7.) Scroll down to the Attendance and Enrollment Information Section.

8.) From the drop down menu to the right of “Enrollment Type” choose which option pertains to the student you are working                                             on.

9.) If you have no other information to enter click save at the top left corner.


What is a Transfer Code?

These are hard coded into OnlineSMART.Net and are generally used to determine what kind of transfer a student may be. Whether they are transferring to the same school, but a different location, transferring within the same school but a different program, transferring from a different school, etc.


How do you enter a Transfer code?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profiles.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.

7.) Scroll down to the Attendance and Enrollment Information Section.

8.) Choose the appropriate transfer code in the drop down menu next to “Transfer Code”.

9.) Click Save at the top left corner.


Where do you list Transfer Hours?

Transfer hours are hours a student completed at another school that your institution is granting credit for. If you are granting a student transfer hours you want to make sure you enter them in the appropriate place so they can be tracked in the correct manner.  The place to enter them is in the Attendance and Enrollment information section in the box to the right of “transfer hours”.  You will enroll a student with transfer hours like you would a student that needs to complete the full course; assigning them the same course.  When transfer hours are entered in the appropriate field they will be subtracted from the total hours needed for the assigned course. 


How do you list Transfer Hours?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.

7.) Scroll down to the Attendance and Enrollment Information Section.

8.) Enter the total amount of transfer hours in the box to the right of “transfer hours”.

9.) If this is all you have to enter click Save at the top left corner.


Where are Transfer Credits listed?

Transfer Credits may not apply to all schools. This field has been incorporated for those schools that are required to track hours and credits. The transfer credit field is where you will list the transfer credit’s a student has been granted. The transfer credit field can be located in Attendance and Enrollment information section of the Academic Tab from the student’s profile.


How do you enter Transfer Credits?

To enter Transfer Credits:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu option. 

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.

7.) Scroll down to the Attendance and Enrollment Information Section.

8.) Enter the total amount of transfer credits in the box to the right of “transfer credits”.

9.) If this is all you have to enter click Save at the top left corner.


Where is Clinic Transfer hours listed?

Clinic Transfer Hours may not apply to all schools. This field has been incorporated for those schools that are required to track clinic and non-clinic hours. The Clinic Transfer hours field is where you will list the clinic transfer hours a student has been granted. The clinic transfer hour’s field can be located in Attendance and Enrollment information section of the Academic Tab from the student’s profile.


How do you enter Clinic Transfer Hours?

To enter Transfer Credits:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Hit the Search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab in the student profile, from there click on the Academic tab.

7.) Scroll down to the Attendance and Enrollment Information Section.

8.) Enter the total amount of clinic transfer hours in the box to the right of “clinic transfer hours”.

9.) If this is all you have to enter click Save at the top left corner.





What is the Financial Tab used for?

The financial tab is a centralized location to keep track of the student’s course information; including contract code, contract type, cost of the course, track minimum monthly payment, store minimum AMA if a student has a different AMA than what is assigned to that particular course, etc. In the financial tab you will also see the cost breakdown per pay period. Important information will be taken from other sections of the student Profile and displayed on the financial tab. Some of this information is calculated by OnlineSMART.Net and can not be changed. This information would need to be changed in a different tab of the profile in order for the displayed information to change on the financial tab. The information that is displayed on this tab is important information, and the purpose of it being in the financial tab is to alert the user of things they may need or want to know before proceeding. It is also displayed here to avoid having to click back and forth between tabs. The data that will be available as read only on this tab is: Dependency status, verification status, Cost of Attendance, total amount paid, projected over contract amount, and Title IV eligible, Please read below for an explanation on what this information is telling the user.


Student Contract

This area is to enter and save the student’s contract information; including Contract code, contract type, cost of the program, minimum monthly payment, contracted graduation date, projected 150 (read only access, this is calculated by OnlineSMART.Net), required AMA, and the program cost break down per pay period.


Contract code field

This field is user defined. You can use this option for what fits your institutions needs. The options for the Contract code drop down menu are set up in the administration section.


To see more on hard coding Contract Codes in OnlineSMART.Net please see Administration/Codes/Contract codes.


How do you enter a contract code in the Financial Tab?

To enter a contract code in the Financial tab:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name you need.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Find the Contract Code field under the Student Contract section. Choose an option from the contract code drop down menu.

8.) If this is the only information you need to enter or edit; click Save in the top left corner.


Contract type field

This area is to record each student’s type of enrollment i.e. Full Time, 3/4 Time, Half Time, and Part time. This information is often important for a school to track and may be needed to run certain reports. This information is already hard coded in OnlineSMART.Net and can not be changed. It is standard for all users.


How do you enter a contract type in the Financial Tab?

To enter a contract Type in the Financial tab:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Find the Contract Type field under the Student Contract section. Choose an option from the contract code drop down menu.

8.) If this is the only information you need to enter or edit, click Save in the top left corner.


Amount field

This field is used to record the amount of the student’s contract. This amount will auto-populate once you have assigned a course to a student. The amount in this field can be changed.


How do you record data in the amount field?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Click in the box under “amount” and enter the new amount.

8.) If this is the only information you need to add or update, click Save in the top left corner.


Min Monthly Payment field

This field is included in the Financial Tab to easily record and view what a student’s minimum monthly payment may be. Once you have calculated what a student’s monthly payment will be you can record it in this section.


How do you enter a Minimum Monthly Payment?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Click in the box under “Min Monthly Payment”.

8.) If this is the only information you need to add or update, click Save in the top left corner.


Contract Grad Date field

This field plays a very important part in the functionality of OnlineSMART.Net. This is where you will enter the student’s contracted grad date. Any time this date changes due to a leave of absence (LOA), schedule change, etc, the user will want to make sure this information is being updated. This date will be used on many reports, for tracking purposes, for calculating projected 150, projected over contract charges, and other various calculations in OnlineSMART.Net.


How do you enter a contract grad date?

The contract grad date will be entered upon enrolling a student, but if you ever need to update this information:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Click in the box under “contract grad date” and type in the revised contracted graduation date.

8.) If this is the only information you need to add or edit click Save in the top left corner.

Projected field

This field is used as a tool to help the user track their student’s progress and when they are getting closer to reaching their maximum time frame. This field is auto-populated and is calculated by OnlineSMART.Net. This date will be calculated based off the most current contracted graduation date that is entered.


Required Min Monthly Attendance (AMA) field

This field is used to record a student’s required minimum monthly attendance (AMA); if they have a change in schedule or circumstance and will not be using the AMA that is originally assigned to that schedule (full time, part time, etc). Once a student has changed their schedule and you have calculated a new AMA for them you can easily record it in the financial tab and this AMA will override the AMA that was originally assigned to that particular course.


How do I change the Required Min Monthly Attendance (AMA)?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Click in the box under “Required Min Monthly Attendance” and type in the revised AMA.

8.) If this is the only information you need to add or edit click Save in the top left corner.


AMA Calculation for SMART

To correctly calculate your average monthly attendance (AMA) for the setup in SMART please use the following calculation:

1.)  Count out the total number of school days in a calendar year (only count actual

available school days)

2.)  Divide that number by 12 to get the average number of school days per month.

3.)  Multiply that number by the number of hours per day for the schedule to get the total average number of hours per month. (if you have a schedule that has 4 days at 6.75 hrs and 1 day at 8 hrs you can take the total hrs per week and divide that by the number of days per week attending i.e. 35/5 = 7 hrs per day average) You must do this same calculation for each one of your schedules.

4.)  Multiply that number by your school’s minimum satisfactory progress % of attendance.  If you have a decimal round down to the nearest whole number for a decimal of less than .50 and up for a decimal of .50 or higher.

5.)  Decide which schedule you are going to assign to FT, ¾, ½ or Part. Put this

number in the appropriate box under either day or night in your basic set up function in Administration



250 days in a yr. div 12 mo. in a yr. = 20.83 average days per mo. x 6 hrs. per day =124.99 hrs. per mo. x .67 = 83.74 - round up to 84. This is your average monthly attendance requirement per month.


Formula to recalculate required AMA for Schedule Changes

For schedule changes you must change the required minimum monthly attendance hours in the box located on each student’s individual financial tab each time they change their schedule to a different number of hours per week.

Take the total number of hours contracted (i.e. 1500) divided by the number of months and days between their start date and their new adjusted contract grad date. Subtract the total number of days in all approved leaves of absence.


Start date July 1, 2007 to new adjusted contract Grad date of July 23, 2008 equals 12 months and 22 days.


We want to turn this into a decimal so you must take the 22 days and divide them by an average of 30 days in a month ( 22/30 = .73) So now you add that to the 12 months and you have 12.73 months.


Now divide the 1500 hours by 12.73 months to arrive at 117.83 average hours per month. Now multiply this number by your minimum satisfactory progress % to arrive at your new AMA number to be put in the box on the Financial Tab. (i.e. 117.83 x .67 = 78.94. Since .94 is higher than .50, round this number up to79. This is your new min AMA.

A student’s contracted amount is different than the original course amount where do you record this information?

The tuition break down will auto-populate once you have assigned a course to a student. The tuition break down will be set up when adding courses in the administration section.


To see more on entering course information please see Administration/Course.


This information can be used to track tuition amounts for students with different circumstances. An example would be if a student has transfer hours or transfer credits from a different school that your institution is granting them credit for; and the student's tuition differs from that in the original contract amount. You can edit this information in the Tuition Break down on the Financial tab.


How do you edit the tuition break down?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Find the gray section in the middle of the screen that has the tuition break down.

8.) Click “Edit” to the far right of the column of the first enrollment period you need to edit.

9.) You will be able to click in any of the boxes under Enrollment period, tuition, fees, books/kit, other, maintenance, and contract hours. (Contract dollars will be calculated by OnlineSMART.Net once you have entered the tuition breakdown). *** Be sure you remember to update the contracted hours if the student has transfer hours and will not be attending the full course.

10.) Click Update to the far right of the column you are editing. Do not click Save in the top left corner, as this will not save your new information. You must click Update.

11.) Repeat steps 9 and 10 for all enrollment periods that need to be changed.


What is TFI FIELD?

The TFI field is used to track total family income. This information is pertinent to some schools to track and that is why it has been added to the Financial tab of the Profile. This is not a required field and can be left blank if it does not pertain to your institution.


How do you enter an amount in the TFI Field?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Profile from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria to find the student you need.

4.) Click the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Financial Tab.

7.) Locate the TFI section at the bottom of the page under tuition break down.

8.) Click in the box to the right of TFI and enter the data.

9.) If this is the only information you need to add or update click Save in the top left corner.





What is the purpose of the ISIR tab?

The purpose of the ISIR tab is to have the ability to upload the main information off an ISIR.  If you choose to upload your student ISIRs in OnlineSMART.Net you will also store the EFC (Expected Family Contribution) and will be able to use it as part of the COA (Cost of Attendance) equation in the Financial Aid worksheet. 


Can you upload the entire ISIR in this section?

Although you can upload main information from the ISIR you will not have the ability to view all ISIR information.  The data you will see display on the ISIR tab section is: AGI (adjusted gross income), US Income Tax Paid, Total from Worksheet A, B, and C, Household Size, Number in College, EFC, and Grade Level.


How do you upload an ISIR in this section?

To upload ISIRs in OnlineSMART.Net please see:  Administration/ISIR Administration section of the Help Topics.

How do you view a different processing year ISIR for the same student?

To view a different processing year:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu options.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click on the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will automatically be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the ISIR tab.

7.) Choose the drop down menu at the bottom right corner of your screen next to processing year and choose. the year you want to view the ISIR for.  Example:  for 2008/2009 choose 2009.  If you have uploaded that processing year's ISIR the information will display.


What is P-ISIR?

The P-ISIR will pull information off the same ISIR, but will be the parental information if the student is dependent.


How do you upload an ISIR to display P-ISIR data?

To upload ISIRs in OnlineSMART.Net please see:  Administration/ISIR Administration section of the Help Topics


How do you view a different processing year P-ISIR for the same student?

To view a different processing year:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu options.

3.) Enter your search criteria.

4.) Click on the Search button.

5.) Click on the student name.

6.) You will automatically be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the P-ISIR tab.

7.) Choose the drop down menu at the bottom right corner of your screen next to processing year and choose the year you want to view the ISIR for.  Example:  for 2008/2009 choose 2009.  If you have uploaded that processing year's ISIR the information will display.





What is the purpose of the admission test tab?

The admissions test tab is a place to record an admissions test should one be required for enrollment.  Some institutions require an admission test be taken prior to being approved for enrollment.  You may also use this section to keep track of any ATB (Ability to Benefit) test.


Where can I hard code admissions tests?

To see more on hard coding please see: Administration/Codes/Admission Test codes.


How do I add an admissions test to a student profile?

To add admission test codes:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options.

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu options.

3.) Enter your search cirteria.

4.) Click on the Search button.

5.) Click on the student's name.

6.) You will be directed to the Personal tab, from there click on the Admissions Test tab.

7.) A blank row will automatically be present, choose your code name from the drop down menu under "Code Name".

8.) Enter the test date in the "Test Date" field.

9.) Enter the student's score in the "Score" field.

10.) Enter the Location if applicable in the "Location" field.

11.) Enter MBS if applicable in the "MBS" field. 

12.) Click Save located to the right of the MBS field.







What is the purpose of the contacts tab?

The purpose of the Contacts tab is to have an easily accesible location for all student contacts including Loan, and Emergency contacts. You can also store the Lender, Guarantor, Loan Entrance Date and Loan Exit date in this section.  You can list up to 7 contacts.  The contact titles are as follows:  Spouse, Parent/Guardian, Emergency Contact 1, Emergency Contact 2, and Loan Contacts 1, 2 and 3.   Should there ever be an emergency and you need to quickly contact someone for a student you can pull up this screen and have one centralized list of all listed contacts; instead of going and pulling the student's entire file, and finding the appropriate paperwork needed.


How do I add a contact?

To enter a contact:

1.) Click on Students from the left menu options

2.) Click on Profiles from the left menu options

3.) Enter your search criteria

4.) Click on the Search button.

5.) Click on student’s name.

6.) You will be directed t the Personal tab, from there click on the Contacts tab.

7.) Here is where you will enter the Spouse, Parent/Guardian, and two different emergency contacts including their name, address, social security number, phone number, relationship, employer and years known. 

8.) You will also enter all the loan contact information as well, including lender, guarantor, loan entrance and exit dates, and three different loan contacts.

9.) Click Save in the top left corner.





R2T4 Calculation

Currently under reconstruction. Help topics will become available when this section has been restructured.





Refund Calculation

Currently under reconstruction. Help topics will become available when this section has been restructured.






Single Student Ledger

To see information on Ledgers including posting, tracking, and editing please see : Student/Ledger






Student Schedule         

The student schedule plays a very important part in the functionality and tracking of OnlineSMART.Net. The schedule is used for many different things. For example: keeping track of scheduled vs. actual hours, progress, tracking absences, excluding LOA’s from the schedule. If a student’s schedule changes it is pertinent to edit this information in the schedule. If you are entering a Leave of Absence before any of the days of the LOA have approached than once you have set up the LOA, OnlineSMART.Net will automatically remove these days from the schedule. If you are backdating an LOA even by one day you will want to make sure you go to the schedule and manually adjust the schedule.  If a schedule is NOT set up for a student and you use a SMART time clock once you validate attendance OnlineSMART.Net will not know to mark a student absent if they are not there on that day.  The absent attendance record will not appear in the attendance section, therefore could very easily be overlooked.


How do you set up a student schedule?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Student Schedule from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering a schedule for.

4.) Click the search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Click on Insert Schedule Date.

7.) If you are entering Day hours use the top portion to enter your information where it says “day hours”.  If night hours use the second portion where it says “night hours”.

8.) Once you have determined whether you are entering day or night hours enter the number of hours that student will attend each day/night. 

9.) Click in the box next to each day of the week the student will be attending under “Applies To”.

10.)  Locate the section for Start Date and End date.  In the start date section enter the day the student’s course begins, and in the end date enter the contracted graduation date.

11.)  Click Insert Range at the top left corner of the screen.


How do you Save a schedule template?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Student Schedule from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering a schedule for.

4.) Click the search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Click on Insert Schedule Date.

7.) If you are entering Day hours use the top portion to enter your information where it says “day hours”.  If night hours use the second portion where it says “night hours”.

8.) Once you have determined whether you are entering day or night hours enter the number of hours the student will attend each day. 

9.) Click in the box next to each day of the week the student will be attending under “Applies To”.

10.) Locate the section for Start Date and End date.  In the start date section enter the day the student’s course begins, and in the end date enter the contracted graduation date.

11.) Enter the title of the template you are saving and use for other student’s schedules in the empty box to the right of “Template Title”.

12.) Click Save Template at the bottom of the schedule section on the screen (this will save a template for future use on another student with that same schedule).

13.) Click Insert Range at the top left corner to save the schedule in the student's schedule tab.


How do you input a saved template in the student’s schedule?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Student Schedule from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering a schedule for.

4.) Click the search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Click on Insert Schedule Date.

7.) If you are entering Day hours use the top portion to enter your information where it says “day hours”.  If night hours use the second portion where it says “night hours”.

8.) Once you have determined whether you are entering day or night hours, choose a saved template from the drop down menu under “template”.  Whatever information was input when creating the template will auto-populate in the appropriate fields.

9.) Click Insert Range in the top left corner.


How do you edit a student schedule for a schedule change?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Student Schedule from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering a schedule for.

4.) Click the search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Click on the Insert Schedule Date.

7.) If you are entering Day hours use the top portion to enter your information where it says “day hours”.  If night hours use the second portion where it says “night hours”.

8.) Once you have determined whether you are entering day or night hours enter the new number of hours the student will attend each day. 

9.) Click in the box next to each day of the week the student will be attending under “Applies To”.

10.)  Locate the section for Start Date and End date.  In the start date section enter the day the student’s new schedule began and in the end date enter the student’s revised contract graduation date due to the schedule change.

11.) Click Insert Range at the top left corner.


IMPORTANT: If the graduation date is earlier than what is on the schedule, you will need to clear out the remaining days passed the revised grad date.


How do you delete days out of the schedule for an LOA?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Student Schedule from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering a schedule for.

4.) Click the search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Click on Insert Schedule Date.

7.) If you are clearing out day hours use the top portion to enter your information where it says “day hours”.  If clearing out night hours use the second portion where it says “night hours”.

8.) Enter a zero in the hour’s box.

9.) Click on the days of the week that the student is normally scheduled to attend.

10.) Enter the start date of the leave of absence in the box next to “start date”.

11.) Enter the last day of the leave of absence in the box next to “end date”.

12.) Click on Insert Range in the top left corner.


How do you delete days out of the schedule for closed school day?

An example of when you would need to clear out one day from each student’s individual schedule’s would be if you had an emergency closure that was not previously scheduled in the administration/school calendar section and the day has already passed.  In order to remove this from the student’s schedule you would have to do this to every student who was scheduled to be there that specific day.  ***Also note that if you are not counting this day against the student’s record they will have an absentee record for that closed day, and you would also want to remove that from the attendance history. (You will want to do this if you are using a SMART time clock and that day has already been closed out.) 


To see more on removing attendance records please see Students/Attendance.


1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Student Schedule from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering a schedule for.

4.) Click the search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Click on Insert Schedule Date.

7.) If you are clearing out day hours use the top portion to enter your information where it says “day hours”.  If clearing out night hours use the second portion where it says “night hours”.

8.) Enter a zero in the hour’s box.

9.) Click on the day of the week that the school had to close.

10.) Enter the date of the school closure in the box next to “start date”.

11.) Enter date of the school closure again (if school was closed only one day.  If closed for more than one day in a row enter the last day the school was closed) in the box next to “end date”.

12.) Click on Insert Range in the top left corner.


How do you add days to the student schedule?

1.) Click on Students from the left menu option.

2.) Click on Student Schedule from the left menu option.

3.) Enter your search criteria for the student you are entering a schedule for.

4.) Click the search option.

5.) Click on the name of the student.

6.) Click on Insert Schedule Date.

7.)  If you are adding day hours use the top portion to enter your information where it says “day hours”.  If adding night hours, use the second portion where it says “night hours”.

8.) Enter the number of hours the student will attend each day in the “hours” field.

9.) Click on the days of the week that apply to the date range you are adding in the “Applies To” field.

10.) Enter the first date you wish to add in the “start date” field. For example: entering days to a revised contract graduation date, the start date would be after the original contracted graduation date.

11.) Enter the last date you wish to add in the “end date” field.

12.) Click Insert Range in the top left corner.




What is the prospect section used for?

A prospect is anyone who is interested in attending or receiving information regarding your school.  Once you have a point of contact for a prospect you enter them in OnlineSmart and can keep track of them from this point on.  After you have entered a prospect in to OnlineSmart you now have the ability to enter comments and notes made to a prospective student, enter dates for follow-up appointments and projected enrollment. You can also convert a Prospective student's record into an active Student's record.


Why is it important to enter all prospect information accurately?

It is imperative to enter prospect information correctly in to OnlineSmart because the information you record will be used for a number of things.  Some reports are specific to the prospect information and if some of the information is not accurate, your reports will not reflect correct information.  The information you input will also effect conversion statistics and lead management for your school.


Permit number

The permit number is a permanent number specific to each individual student.  This number will appear on reports, will be the number given to various agencies your school may work with, and can also be used for badges.  Once a permit number has been assigned to a student it will never be assigned again.  Depending on your school’s policy OnlineSmart can automatically assign a unique number to students as you enter them in as a prospect, or you can assign a number yourself before you enroll each student.





To see information regarding financial aid worksheets please see Student Section/Financial Aid Worksheet.





Why do we enter prospects?

New prospects are entered to keep track of possible future students.  As stated earlier in this section; when you have a point of contact or interest you want to enter that person in OnlineSmart as a prospect.  You can enter student demographics including telephone number and email address.  This is a very useful tool when you are contacting leads to attend your school.


How do you enter prospects name and contact information?

Once you have your lead and you know their first and last name you want to add them to OnlineSmart. 


To add a prospect in to OnlineSmart:

            1.) Prospects

            2.) New prospect

            3.) Enter full name and number

            4.) Click ok to save            


What is the purpose of flags and notes?

The purpose for the notes and flags section of OnlineSmart is to have a very easily accessible follow up forum.  You can enter any notes you need or want on a student/prospect, and throughout your sections in OnlineSmart you will have the opportunity to set specific flags as a reminder of things to be complete, or if you need to monitor a student’s SAP, or you can add a flag if a student is in default, needs verification, needs NSLDS etc. However only the flags that are pertinent to prospects will appear until the person becomes an active student.   The flags/notes screen will always be displayed on the right side of your screen.


How do I enter notes for prospects?

Using the note section for either a prospect or active student can be an extremely useful tool.  If there are several staff members working on a student or prospect at any given time the notes field allows one staff member to communicate with another on any special circumstances regarding that student or prospect.  This can also be used as a follow up for yourself on any work that needs to be done with your student/prospect.  The notes and flags for each student will show on every screen.


            To enter notes:

1.) Click on the note icon

2.) Click on the word new

3.) Add your notes and if that particular note needs follow up or not

4.) Click add to save





What is the prospect profile tab used for?

The personal tab is a very important part of OnlineSmart. This is where you enter your student demographics, course information, tuition and other charges, set up an award letter, view isir’s, etc.  You may choose not utilize all information in this section until a prospect is enrolled.


How do I pull up a prospect profile?

To view more information on the profile section of OnlineSmart, please see Student Section/Profiles.


Personal Tab

What is the Personal tab used for?

The personal tab is used to keep track of all prospect basic information, contact information, and demographics. This tab is very important as information on this screen will be needed on reports, and information needed for state board and/or accreditation agencies.


Basic Information field

The Basic Information field is also extremely important.  This is where you store prospect’s name and address. You will want to make sure this information is accurate and up to date. 


Phone and Email field

This is where you store prospect’s phone number and email.  You will want to enter this information as soon as you receive it to aid you in contacting each prospect for future enrollment.


Demographics field

This field is where you will store prospect’s demographic information needed for various important reports used for audits, state board and/ or accreditation agencies.  This information is necessary and is imperative that all these fields are filled out completely and accurately.


How do I enter prospect profile information

1.)  Go to prospects

2.)  Profiles

3.)  Enter your search criteria

4.)  Hit search

5.)  Enter all information in this section (leave international # blank)

6.)  Hit Save to save information


Academics Tab

What is the academics tab used for?

The Academic tab is another very important field.  This will be where you enter your course, shift, and contact enrollment and start dates.  Course, class (shift), contract amount, hours/credits will already be hardcoded into SMART before you start entering prospects. 


To see more on hard coding information into, please see the Administration section.


How do I enter prospect academic information?

1.)  Go to prospects

2.)  Profiles

3.)  Enter your search criteria

4.)  Hit search

5.)  Click on Academic tab

6.)  Enter Academic information

7.)  Click Save to save work


Financial Tab

What is the Financial Tab used for?

The FA tab is used to keep track of a prospect’s contract information.  Here you will enter the prospect’s enrollment period, tuition, fees, book/kit, contract dollars, and contract hours. 


How do I update contract information on the financial tab?

1.)  Go to prospects

2.)  Profiles

3.)  Enter your search criteria

4.)  Hit search

5.)  Click on Financial Tab

6.)  Enter or edit any information in this section

7.)  Click update

8.)  Click Save to save your work


Enrollment Period

The enrollment period is



This is where you will enter/edit the tuition amount.  This section will auto-populate once you choose course information on the academic tab.  However you may need to adjust fees books and kits, ECT.


To see more information regarding courses, please see Prospect Profile/Academic Section.



This section will be for your enrollment, registration, or application fee.



This area is to list the cost of your books and/or kit



This section is for any other type of charge that is not already listed.


Contract Dollars

This are is for the total amount of the contract


Contract Hours

This section is where you can list the amount of hours the student is contracted for.



The ISIR tab allows you to view the main information on an ISIR. This tab will not reflect any information based off the ISIR if you do not have your school’s ISIR’s uploaded into Online Smart.


Admission Test

Here is where you will list the admission test if you accept those at your school.  The tests will already be hardcoded into OnlineSmart. To see more  on hard coding information into OnlineSmart; please see the Administration section.





Why do we upload documents into OnlineSmart prospects?

Having the ability to upload documents into OnlineSmart is an exciting new feature.  There are many benefits to uploading prospect documents.  Uploading documents can alleviate having to physically pull a prospect/student’s file.  If you are working in OnlineSmart but are not at a location where a file is accessible and you have uploaded documents to a prospect/student, then you can view that information right from OnlineSmart.  This can save a lot of time.  Another example of why this feature is so important is if you had a disaster at your school and files were destroyed, you could rest easy knowing all needed documents have been scanned and uploaded in OnlineSmart and all you have to do is print them from there.


How do you upload documents in to prospects?

To upload documents into OnlineSmart, you will first scan the document and save it to your computer.  You will than follow these easy steps:

1.) Go to Prospects

2.) Go to Prospect documents

3.) Enter your search criteria

4.) Hit the Search button

5.) Click on the prospect’s name

6.) If you are adding a document that is already prelisted (i.e. High School Diploma, School contract, SLM docs) you will click add to the left of the document name


If you are adding a new document that is NOT prelisted in you will click:   

a)    New

b)    Type in a name for the document (i.e. FAFSA, Drivers License, etc)

c)    Type in the description of the document (i.e. Copy of FAFSA, Copy of driver license)

d)    Continue with steps 7-9


7.) Click Browse and this will allow you to search your computer for where you saved the document

8.) Once you have found the document in your computer double click the document name

9.) Click SAVE


How do you view and delete scanned documents from prospects?

To view or delete a document from Online Smart:

1.) Go to Prospects

2.) Prospect Documents

3.) Type in your search criteria

4.) Hit the search button

5.) Choose the prospect by clicking on the name

6.) To View the document: From the list that appears you will click GET to the far right of the name of the document you want to view and/or print.  To Delete the document: From the list that appears you will click DELETE to the far right of the name of the document you want to delete.





What is a single prospect ledger?

The prospect ledger is where you will post any type of payment received prior to the prospect becoming an active student.  Once the prospect has become enrolled as an active student you will than go to student ledger to view or post payments, disbs, etc.


How do I post to the prospect ledger?

Posting to a Prospect Ledger is the same as posting to an active student’s ledger.  The only difference is you will choose prospect ledger instead of student ledger.  To learn more about the ledger see Ledger Section.




What is the Ledger section in OnlineSMART.Net?

The ledger is a very important tracking system in OnlineSMART.Net, especially if you are a Title IV eligible school. The ledger is a centralized location to track payments, balances, Title IV, and other monies that pertain to a student’s account. You can see what the student has paid to their account, what they have received in disbursements, what their current balance is, any miscellaneous charges that have been posted including over contract charges, etc. You also have access to important Flags that will display vertically on the right side of the ledger section screen. These flags will help when posting monies such as Title IV. The flags are easily viewable and give you information including: total hours to date, if the student is active, if the student is in Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), if the student needs NSLDS ran, if Verification is complete, if the student is in default, over contract, on an LOA, their start date, last day attended, projected graduation date and contracted graduation date. These are all pieces of information necessary in posting certain funds to the ledger, and you do not have to tab from screen to screen in order to view this information. The ledger section also has the ability to keep track of a ledger for active students, prospective students, dropped students, and graduated students.


How do I get to the Ledger section from the home page?

To get to the ledger section from the home page:

          1.) Click on Ledgers from the left menu option

          2.) Click on Single Student Ledger if you want to view or add to an active, dropped, or graduated student. Click on Single Prospect Ledger if you want to view or add to a prospective student’s ledger

          3.) Enter your search criteria

          4.) Click on the Search option

          5.) Click on the student’s name you are looking for. You will then be directed to the student’s ledger.


How do I get to a student’s ledger from their profile?

If you are already in a student’s profile and wish to go to their ledger:

          1.) From the top menu options in OnlineSMART.Net click on the Ledger option

          2.) You will be directed to the student’s ledger whose profile you were just in


What happens when I close a ledger?

Closing the ledger will prohibit any more postings to the ledger. You would only want to choose to close the ledger when there is a zero balance; you do not anticipate any more monies coming in on this student and do not want any other items to be posted to the ledger. You may also choose to temporarily close a ledger; as it is very easy to reopen. This is not a required tool to use in OnlineSMART.Net, however its there in the event a user wished to close a ledger for a short or extended period of time. The user will decide when to open or close a ledger.


How can I close a ledger?

To close a ledger from the home page:

          1.) Click Ledger from the left menu options

          2.) Click on Single Student ledger if you are closing a ledger for an active, graduated, or dropped student. Click on Single Prospect ledger if you wish to close a ledger for a prospective student.

          3.) Once you are directed to the student’s ledger click on the Close option in the top tool bar options within OnlineSMART.Net. Once you have done that instead of seeing the word “Close,” you will now see the option to Reopen. If you ever see the Reopen option present in a student’s ledger, this is your indication the ledger has been closed and no other posting will be allowed until the ledger has been reopened.


How do I reopen a closed ledger?

To close a ledger from the home page:

          1.) Click Ledger from the left menu options

          2.) Click on Single Student ledger if you are closing a ledger for an active, graduated, or dropped student. Click on Single Prospect ledger if you wish to close a ledger for a prospective student.

          3.) Once you are directed to the student’s ledger click on the Reopen option in the top tool bar options within OnlineSMART.Net. Once you have done that instead of seeing the word Reopen, you will now see the option to Close. If you ever see the Close option present in a student’s ledger,      this is your indication the ledger is opened and posting will be prohibited until the ledger has been closed.


What happens when I click the Recalculate option?

The Recalculate option is present in the top tool bar within OnlineSMART.Net. When you click on this option it pushes the ledger to recalculate. Normally you will not need to use this option, but if you notice you just posted something to the student’s ledger and the balance has not changed, click on Recalculate and you will see the change in the balance. This tool has been provided to eliminate you having to get on the phone with technical support and saves you some time. In the event this does not fix your problem at that point you would want to call the technical support team with the steps you just took.






How do I post a new ledger entry?-

Click New in the top left corner of the ledger screen.  The ledger entry screen will load in your web browser.  Now you can enter in the details of your ledger entry.


How do I edit an existing ledger entry?

Click Edit in the ledger entry that you want to edit.  The ledger entry screen will load in your web browser.  Now you can enter in the new details of your ledger entry.


IMPORTANT:  “Allow Ledger Editing” must be enabled in order to edit ledger entries.


For more information regarding “Allow Ledger Editing”, please see Administration/Basic Setup.


What are enrollment periods?

Enrollment periods are used to keep track of your pay periods. Enrollment periods are defined by each individual institution and can be set up per your own rules and guidelines regarding the enrollment periods.


To see more on how to hard code enrollment periods in OnlineSMART.Net, please see Administration/Course Set up.


Why are enrollment periods used?

Enrollment periods are used to determine which pay period monies or disbursements have come in. This helps the institution monitor and track ledgers, monies and that they are keeping in compliance with federal.


How do I calculate my enrollment periods?

The enrollment periods will depend on the hours in a program, and the rules set specifically for your institution.  If you are unsure about what your enrollment period definitions should be you may want to contact your company administrator or corporate office. These are not defined by SMART Systems, Inc.


Where do I set my enrollment periods?

Enrollment periods are set up under Administration during your course set up.  The pay periods will be set up under the Hours/Credits Per Pay Periods Tab.  Once you have set up and assigned a course to a student the enrollment periods will be present in the drop down menu next to “period” when posting in a ledger.


What are Disbursement dates?

Disbursement dates are used to keep track of the date the disbursement deposited and was credited to the student account on the ledger.  Some institutions may have different rules for using disbursement dates. This is user defined and you can choose whichever date suits your institutions needs and rules when posting to the ledger.


Are Disbursement dates the same as Enrollment Periods?

Disbursements are not the same as Enrollment periods.  An enrollment period is a pay period in which the student was eligible for the disbursement.  The disbursement date is the actual date the disbursement came in and is being credited to the student’s ledger.


What are Post dates?

The post date is generally used to track the date a disbursement or any type of posting was actually credited to the student’s ledger account.  For example:  A disbursement may have come in on Jan 1, but did not get posted to the ledger until Jan 3.  The post date can be user-defined and an institution can use this date to suit their needs and rules when posting to the ledger. 


Are Post dates the same as Disbursement dates?

Post dates are not the same as disbursement dates.  The disbursement date is the date the monies actually came in, and the post date is the date the monies actually got posted to the student ledger.




What is the purpose of the Report Section?

The report section has been formatted to ease your daily, weekly, monthly and annual record keeping and reporting requirements by gathering and tracking information input by the users into various areas of The Smart System.


What type of reports can I find?

You can find many different types of reports. We have them broken down and listed below for quick reference.


How do I set specific criteria when running a report?

You can do this by running a query report. Accomplish this by clicking on “Reports”, then “Query” then select the report you wish to query. Once you have selected the report a screen will appear that has the filters you can choose from.


Why does my screen look cut off when I try to print my report?

When printing reports, you will want to export to ‘Acrobat’ format to optimize viewing. To do so, if you go to the top of the page, from the drop down menu, select the format, and then click ‘Export’.


Type of Reports:

What are Alumni Reports?

Alumni reports gather the information input in to the graduated student’s profiles. Most of these reports can be queried to help fit your needs.


What are Annual Reports?

Annual reports are required by various accrediting bodies. We design them to fit the specifications put out by the requesting agency. These reports can not be queried.


What are Ledger Reports?

Ledger reports assist with financial information for the students and for the school. Most of these reports can be queried to help fit your needs.


What are Prospect Reports?

Prospect reports help with admissions. Most of these reports can be queried to help fit your needs.


What are Student Reports?

The student reports are there to help you track and gather information on your students. Most of these reports can be queried in many ways to fit your needs.


What are System Setup Reports?

We have many system setup reports that can be run to assist you. These vary from finding out what tracking codes you have all the way to printing a school calendar. These reports can not be queried.






Running a Standard Report


How do I run a Standard Report?

To run a standard report, you would go to the left hand side of the screen and click on reports. Next you will select from the folders whether you want it to be an Alumni, Annual, Ledger, Prospect, Security, Student, or System Setup. Then you will expand the folder and click on the appropriate report from the list. A window will pop up, and the report will generate. The generating may take a little longer than usual, since this is a standard.


When would I use the Standard Report?

You can use a standard report when you want to include all students you have had in the past, or when running Annual, Security, and System Setup reports. There are some other reports that you can only run as standard as well.


Running a Query Report


How do I run a query report?

To run a query report, you would go to the left hand side of the screen and click on reports. Next you will select query (which is right under the reports tab). Then you will select whether you want it to be Alumni, Ledger, Prospect, or Student. Then you will expand the folder and click on the appropriate report from the list. After this, the screen will change to allow you to select your filters. The filters you can choose from are detailed below. Not all filters are available for every report, but they are available for most.


When would I use the Query Reports?

You can use a query report to narrow down who shows up on a report. We have many examples of how to query reports in the following section “What Query filter options do I have?”


What Query filter options do I Have?

Here are the different filters available for querying, these may vary by section.


Alumni Reports Query

These are the typical query fields you will find in the Alumni reports section.


Name Query

    Last Name (this gives you two fields to type reason being if you wanted to do a last  name range.)


IMPORTANT:  If you can not bring up your student by a last name, try querying by social security number.


    First Name- This will bring all students up with the first name that is entered.

    SSN (Social Security #) - This will bring up the student who matches the SSN.

    State-This will bring all students who are in that state.

   Permit Number- This helps you bring up a student by a permit number.


Personal Query

Date of Birth-This field also gives you an option to put in a range.

Sex-This field you will enter an M for Male, for F for female.

Race-This gives you a drop down menu to select from,

Marital Status- This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Scholastic Level-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Referral Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Tracking Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Education Level-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Employment Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Pass Place Code- This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Graduation Status-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Veteran-This gives you a box to check which will allow anyone marked veteran to show on the report.


Dates Query

Initial Date-This would be initial contact date.

Enrolled Date- This is the enrollment date.

Start Date- This would be actual start date.

Original Start-This is for the original start date. (Just in case the start date has changed).

Drop 1-This is for students that have dropped one time, or if the student has dropped and re-enrolled more than once, this would be the date they dropped the first time.

ReEnroll 1- This is for students that have dropped and re-enrolled, this would be for the re-enrollment date, if they have dropped and re-enrolled more than once, this would be the date that they first re-enrolled.

Drop 2- This is for students who have dropped a second time.

ReEnroll 2- This is for students who have re-enrolled a second time.

Contract Grad- This is for the date that the student is contracted to graduate, this is not the actual graduation date.

Projected Grad- This is an auto populated date that is configured in Smart, and will always err on the side of the school.

Actual Grad- This is the date that the student has actually graduated on.

Ldgr Closed-This date range will help you find every student that had a ledger closed in the date range you enter.

License Exam-This date range will help you find every student that took their license exam date in the date range you enter.


Courses Query

Course Hrs- This gives you a range of course hours. Course hours are contract hours, not attended hours.

AMA-This is a range.

Attendance Hours- This is a range. This is how many hours attended.

Course- This is a drop down menu of available courses.

Enrollment Type- This is a drop down menu of available enrollment types.

Contract Hrs- This is a single field. With this field you can query for students who have a certain amount of hours.


Financial Query

Contract $- This is a range, and helps you query by total amount of contract.

Financial Aid-This is a drop down menu so you can select from the available financial aid types.

Dependent- This flag helps you query by students who are considered dependent or independent.

Head of Household-This is a check box, if you check this, it will pull all students who are        considered head of household.

Zero EFC-This is a check box, if you check this, it will pull all students who have a Zero EFC.


Flags Query

Drop Code 1-In this field you can type in your drop code, and anyone with that drop code for their first or only drop, will come up on the report.

Drop Code 2-In this field you can type in your drop code, and anyone with that drop code for their second drop date will come up on the report.

Ledger Closed- By checking this box if you would like a report for every student who has a closed ledger.

Title IV- By checking this box if you would like a report for everyone who is Title IV eligible.

Dropped-By checking this box to bring up all dropped students.

Active-By checking this box this will bring up all active students.

SAP-By checking this box, this will bring up all students in SAP.

Over Contract- By checking this box, this will bring up all students that are over contract.

Not SAP- By checking this box, this will bring up all students not in SAP.

Not Active- By checking this box, this will bring up all graduated, dropped and inactive students.


Grades Query

GPA – This gives you a range, where you can query for students in a certain range of GPA.


Ledger Reports Query 

These are the typical query fields you will find in the Ledger reports section.


Name Query

   Last Name (this gives you two fields to type reason being if you wanted to do a last   

   name range.)


IMPORTANT – If you can not bring up your student by a last name, try querying by social security number.


   First Name- This will bring all students up with the first name that is entered.

   SSN (Social Security #)- This will bring up the student who matches the SSN.

   State-This will bring all students who are in that state.

   Permit Number- This helps you bring up a student by a permit number.


Personal Query

Date of Birth-This field also gives you an option to put in a range.

Sex-This field you will enter an M for Male, for F for female.

Race-This gives you a drop down menu to select from,

Marital Status- This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Scholastic Level-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Referral Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Tracking Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Education Level-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Veteran-This gives you a box to check.


Dates Query

All of the dates are in date range format, if you want to use for a single day, use the same date twice. Here is an example of the date range fields you may find.

Initial Date-This would be initial contact date.

Enrolled Date-This is the enrollment date.

Start Date- This would be actual start date.

Original Start-This is for the original start date. (Just in case the start date has changed).

Drop 1-This is for students that have dropped one time, or if the student has dropped   

and re-enrolled more than once, this would be the date they dropped the first time.

ReEnroll 1- This is for students that have dropped and re-enrolled, this would be for the

re-enrollment date, if they have dropped and re-enrolled more than once, this would be

the date that they first re-enrolled.

Drop 2- This is for students who have dropped a second time.

ReEnroll 2- This is for students who have re-enrolled a second time.

Contract Grad-This is for the date that the student is contracted to graduate, this is not

the actual graduation date.

Projected Grad- This is an auto populated date that is configured in Smart, and will

always err on the side of the school.

Actual Grad- This is the date that the student is actually graduating on.

Ldgr Closed- This date range will help you find every student that had a ledger closed

in the date range you put in.


Courses Query

Course Hrs- This gives you a range of course hours. Course hours are contract hours, not attended hours.

AMA-This is a range.

Attendance Hours- This is a range. This is how many hours attended.

Course- This is a drop down menu of available courses.

Enrollment Type- This is a drop down menu of available enrollment types.

Contract Hrs- This is a single field. With this field you can query for students who have a certain amount of hours.

Class- Time of day they attend. (Day or Night)


Financial Query

Contract $ - This is a range, and helps you query by total amount of contract.

Amount – This helps you query by total amount of contract as well.

Check # - This is a range that allows you to enter the check numbers you are looking for.

Pay Period – This field allows you to query for students in a certain payment period.

Fee Paid – This field allows you to query for the amount of fee paid for students.

Financial Aid-This is a drop down menu so you can select from the available financial aid types.

Dependent -This flag helps you query by students who are considered dependent or independent.

Ledger Type – This is a drop down menu for you to select which type of ledger entry you would like to query by.

Program – This is a drop down menu for you to select which program you would like to query by.

Head of Household -This is a check box, if you check this, it will pull all students who are considered head of household.

    Zero EFC -This is a check box, if you check this, it will pull all students who have a Zero EFC.


Flags Query

Drop Code 1-In this field you can type in your drop code, and anyone with that drop code for their first or only drop, will come up on the report.

Drop Code 2-In this field you can type in your drop code, and anyone with that drop code for their second drop date will come up on the report.

Ledger Closed- By checking this box if you would like a report for every student who has a closed ledger.

Title IV- By checking this box if you would like a report for everyone who is Title IV eligible.

Dropped-By checking this box to bring up all dropped students.

Active-By checking this box this will bring up all active students.

SAP-By checking this box, this will bring up all students in SAP.

Over Contract- By checking this box, this will bring up all students that are over contract.

Not SAP- By checking this box, this will bring up all students not in SAP.

Not Active- By checking this box, this will bring up all graduated, dropped and inactive students.

Is Active On – This gives you an area to put a date. This is great if you are looking for students who are active on a certain day.


Grades Query

GPA – This gives you a range, where you can query for students in a certain range of GPA.


Prospect Reports Query

These are the typical query fields you will find in the Prospect reports section.


Name Query

    First Name- This gives you the option to query by a first name range.

   Last Name- This gives you the option to query by a last name range.

    Prospect # - This gives you the option to query by a prospect number range.

    Total Paid Amount- This gives you the option to query by a range of how much was paid.


Personal Query

COA- This gives you an option to query by cost of attendance range.

EFC- This gives you an option to query by an EFC range.

Verify Status- This gives you an option to query by verification status.

SSN- This gives you the option to query for a prospect by SSN.

Sex- This gives you the option to query by the sex of the prospect here, you would

enter M for Male and F for Female.

Race-This gives you a drop down menu to select from,

Marital Status- This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Education Level-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Referral Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Tracking Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Financial Aid-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.


Flags Query

The flags query gives you the option to select from the following check boxes:

Veteran                  Active           Need Award

Dependent     Not Active      Non Need Award

Ledger Closed NSLDS Loan Default

Title IV


Dates Query

Initial Date- This gives you the option to query by initial contact date range.

Appointment- This gives you the option to query by appointment date range.

Enrolled Date- This gives you the option to query by the enrollment date range.

DOB- This gives you the option to query by date of birth date range.

HS Grad- This gives you the option to query by high school graduation date range.



Contract Hrs- This gives you an option to query by contract hours range.

Course- This gives you the option to query by course.

Admission Rep-This gives you the option to query which students are assigned to which admission rep.



Contract $- This enables you to query by contract amount.

Maint $- This enables you to query by maintenance amount.

Total Family Income- This enables you to query by total family income amount.


Student Reports Query

These are the typical query fields you will find in the Student reports section.


Name Query

    Last Name - This gives you two fields to type reason being if you wanted to do a last   

   name range.


    IMPORTANT:  If you can not bring up your student by a last name, try querying by social security number.


    First Name- This will bring all students up with the first name that is entered.

    SSN (Social Security #)- This will bring up the student who matches the SSN.

   State-This will bring all students who are in that state.

   Permit Number- This helps you bring up a student by a permit number.


Personal Query

Date of Birth-This field also gives you an option to put in a range.

Sex-This field you will enter an M for Male, for F for female.

Race-This gives you a drop down menu to select from,

Marital Status- This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Scholastic Level-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Referral Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Tracking Code-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Education Level-This gives you a drop down menu to select from.

Veteran-This gives you a box to check.


Dates Query

All of the dates are in date range format, if you want to use for a single day, use the same date twice. Here is an example of the date range fields you may find.

Initial Date-This would be initial contact date.

Enrolled Date-This is the enrollment date.

Start Date- This would be actual start date.

Original Start-This is for the original start date. (Just in case the start date has changed).

Drop 1-This is for students that have dropped one time, or if the student has dropped   

and re-enrolled more than once, this would be the date they dropped the first time.

ReEnroll 1- This is for students that have dropped and re-enrolled, this would be for the

re-enrollment date, if they have dropped and re-enrolled more than once, this would be

the date that they first re-enrolled.

Drop 2- This is for students who have dropped a second time.

ReEnroll 2- This is for students who have re-enrolled a second time.

Contract Grad-This is for the date that the student is contracted to graduate, this is not

the actual graduation date.

Projected Grad- This is an auto populated date that is configured in Smart, and will

always err on the side of the school.

Actual Grad- This is the date that the student is actually graduating on.

Ldgr Closed- This date range will help you find every student that had a ledger closed

in the date range you put in.


Courses Query

Course Hrs- This gives you a range of course hours. Course hours are contract hours, not attended hours.

AMA-This is a range.

Attendance Hours- This is a range. This is how many hours attended.

Course- This is a drop down menu of available courses.

Enrollment Type- This is a drop down menu of available enrollment types.

Contract Hrs- This is a single field. With this field you can query for students who have a certain amount of hours.

Class- Time of day they attend. (Day or Night)


Financial Query

Contract $- This is a range, and helps you query by total amount of contract.

Financial Aid-This is a drop down menu so you can select from the available financial aid types.

Dependent- This flag helps you query by students who are considered dependent or independent.

Head of Household-This is a check box, if you check this, it will pull all students who are        considered head of household.

Zero EFC-This is a check box, if you check this, it will pull all students who have a Zero EFC.


Flags Query

Drop Code 1-In this field you can type in your drop code, and anyone with that drop code for their first or only drop, will come up on the report.

Drop Code 2-In this field you can type in your drop code, and anyone with that drop code for their second drop date will come up on the report.

Ledger Closed- By checking this box if you would like a report for every student who has a closed ledger.

Title IV- By checking this box if you would like a report for everyone who is Title IV eligible.

Dropped-By checking this box to bring up all dropped students.

Active-By checking this box this will bring up all active students.

SAP-By checking this box, this will bring up all students in SAP.

Over Contract- By checking this box, this will bring up all students that are over contract.

Not SAP- By checking this box, this will bring up all students not in SAP.

Not Active- By checking this box, this will bring up all graduated, dropped and inactive students.

Is Active On – This gives you an area to put a date range. This is great if you are looking for students who are active in a certain time period.


Grades Query

GPA – This gives you a range, where you can query for students in a certain range of GPA.







Alumni Reports

Here is a breakdown of the individual reports that can be found under the Alumni Reports section.


Alumni Comments

This report shows you comments that have been entered for alumni. The comments are entered in the notes section. If a comment does not show, it is because it has not been entered.


This will show all notes that are entered. This report can be queried. This report has the following fields included on it are as follows:


Permit Number

SSN (unless hidden)

Graduation date:

If any notes have been entered, they will appear here.

This information is in list form.


Alumni Demographics

This report provides the general demographic information needed for tracking graduated students. This report can be queried.


The information listed on the report is as follows:

Name                 Home Phone            SSN (unless hidden)            Course

Address              Permit Number         Start Date                         Contract Grad Date

Work Phone         Actual Grad Date

Pager                 Graduate Status       Pass/Place Code

Email                  Cell Phone               License Exam Date        


Alumni Employment History

This report provides the last 3 employers address and phone numbers along with hire dates to track your graduated students’ employment. This report can be queried.


The information listed on the report is as follows:

Personal                       Employment 1                             Employment 2                   Employment 3

Name                           Name                                        Name                               Name

Address                        Address                                     Address                            Address

Home Phone                  Permit #                                    Phone                              Phone                 Phone

SSN (hidden)                 Course                             Start Date                         Contrct Grad 

Employment Type Employment Type                        Employment Type

Actual Grad                   Graduate Status Code                   License Exam Date   

Data Last Updated Data Last Updated                        Data Last Updated


Alumni Labels Sort Alpha/Alumni Labels Sort Zip

This report is used to create mailing labels to all graduated students. You can sort them either alphabetically, or by zip code. This is a report you can query and you should definitely export these before you print so you can use all your labels.


Street Address

City, State, Zip


Employer 1 Mailing Labels Sort Alpha/Employer 1 Mailing Labels Sort Zip

This report is used to create mailing labels to all graduated students employers. You can sort them alphabetically or by zip. This can also be queried and is best printed after exporting.

Company Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip






Annual Reports

These reports are not to replace your annual reports; they are here to help you by providing the information needed to fill out the annual reports. Please see detail below:



The 1098T reports are broken down by year and are set up by the IRS specifications for the year. They are broken down even further to the regular view, along with grid view and then the mailing labels.


1098-T “YEAR” – This view is for printing the actual 1098T’s.


1098-T “YEAR” Grid View – This view is a list of everyone that will have a 1098T.


1098-T “YEAR” Labels – These are the mailing labels for students that get a 1098T



These reports are broken down by year and are here to help you fill out your annual reports for ACCSCT. These are subject to change by year.



These reports are designed according to the COE specifications, and are subject to change.



The FISAP stands for Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate

These reports are broken down by year, and are also broken down by information provided by the Dept of Education and are subject to change.



IPED reports need to be completed seasonally, and these reports gather all of the information that is input by users into a form in the specifications put out by IPED's. These reports are broken down by year and by season and are subject to change.



The reports are broken down by year and are set to NACCAS specifications and are subject to change annually. These reports are not to replace your annual report, they are here to give you the information you need to fill out your annual reports.






Ledger Reports
Here is a breakdown of the individual reports that can be found under the Ledger Reports section.


90-10 Calculation

The following reports are found in the 90-10 Calculation Ledger Reports folder.


90-10 Calculation

This report will show you the detail of funds paid to your school and how much of it was paid by federal funds. At the end of the report it will show a cumulative area to summarize how much was paid to your school, and how much of the total was federal funds, as well as a percentage.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program                                              Code

Name                                                  Check Number

Total Paid to School                                Course

Amount Paid to School from Fed Funds      Cash/Card Totals

Pay Date                                              Total Paid

Year                                                    Amounts Paid Breakdown by Program



90-10 Calculation Date Range

This report will show you the detail of funds paid to your school and how much of it was paid by federal funds for a certain date range. At the end of the report it will show a date range box to summarize how much was paid to your school, and how much of the total was federal funds, as well as a percentage.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program                                              Code

Name                                                  Check Number

Total Paid to School                                Course

Amount Paid to school from Fed Funds      Cash/Card Totals

Pay Date                                              Total Paid

Year                                                    Amounts Paid Breakdown by Program



90-10 Calculation Fiscal Year

This report will show you the detail of funds paid to your school and how much of it was paid by federal funds for a certain date range. At the end of the report it will show a fiscal year area to summarize how much was paid to your school, and how much of the total was federal funds, as well as a percentage.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program                                              Code

Name                                                  Check Number

Total Paid to School                                Course

Amount Paid to school from Fed Funds      Cash/Card Totals

Pay Date                                              Total Paid

Year                                                    Amounts Paid Breakdown by Program



90-10 Calculation Prior Month

This report will show you the detail of funds paid to your school and how much of it was paid by federal funds for a certain date range. At the end of the report it will show a prior month area to summarize how much was paid to your school, and how much of the total was federal funds, as well as a percentage.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program                                              Code

Name                                                  Check Number

Total Paid to School                                Course

Amount Paid to school from Fed Funds      Cash/Card Totals

Pay Date                                              Total Paid

Year                                                    Amounts Paid Breakdown by Program



Check Register

The following reports are found in the Check Register Ledger Reports folder.


Check Register Cumulative

This report will pull any ledger entry that has something (check number or words) recorded in the check number field of a ledger entry.

The following fields are found on this report:

Check Number         Amount

Name                     Code

SSN                       Type

Date                       Program

Year                       Pay Period


Check Register Cumulative by Student Name

This report will pull any ledger entry that has something (check number or words) recorded in the check number field of a ledger entry. This will break it down by student name.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Code

SSN                       Type

Check Number         Program

Date                       Pay Period

Year                       Totals



Check Register Date Range

This report will pull any ledger entry that has something (check number or words) recorded in the check number field of a ledger entry. This will query it for a specific date range that you enter.

The following fields are found on this report:

Check Number         Code

Name                     Type

SSN                       Program

Date                       Pay Period

Year                       Totals



Check Register Date Range by Student Name

The check register allows you to view all checks that have been entered into SMART in a date range. This is also broken down by student.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Code

SSN                       Type

Check Number         Program

Date                       Pay Period

Year                       Totals



Check Register Fiscal Year

This report will pull any ledger entry that has something (check number or words) recorded in the check number field of a ledger entry. This will query it for a fiscal year.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Code

SSN                       Type

Check Number         Program

Date                       Pay Period

Year                       Totals



Check Register Fiscal Year by Student Name

This report will pull any ledger entry that has something (check number or words) recorded in the check number field of a ledger entry. This will query it for a fiscal year, and break it down by student name.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Code

SSN                       Type

Check Number         Program

Date                       Pay Period

Year                       Totals



Check Register Prior Month

This report will pull any ledger entry that has something (check number or words) recorded in the check number field of a ledger entry. This will query it for the prior month.


The following fields are found on this report:

Check Number         Code

Name                     Type

SSN                       Program

Date                       Pay Period

Year                       Totals



Check Register Prior Month by Student Name

This report will pull any ledger entry that has something (check number or words) recorded in the check number field of a ledger entry. This will query it for prior month and break it down by student name.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Code

SSN                       Type

Check Number         Program

Date                       Pay Period

Year                       Totals



Contract Revenue

These are the following reports you will find under the Contract Revenue Ledger Reports folder.


Contract Revenue

This report is in list format and breaks down earned and unearned tuition. This also shows you prepaid tuition and the contract balance. When running the contract revenue report, it will automatically run for all students that are considered enrolled on today’s date.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Value Per/Hr

SSN                       Contract Tuition

Start Date               Earned Tuition

Active Status           Tuition Cancel $

Grad/Drop Date        Unearned Tuition

Course          Tuition Receivable

Course Hours Pre Paid Tuition

Total Contract $        Contract Balance

Hours Attended


Contract Revenue Enrolled As

This report is in list format and breaks down earned and unearned tuition. This also shows you prepaid tuition and the contract balance. When running the contract revenue enrolled as report, it will run for all students who are considered enrolled as of the date you request.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Value Per/Hr

SSN                       Contract Tuition

Start Date               Earned Tuition

Active Status           Tuition Cancel $

Grad/Drop Date        Unearned Tuition

Course          Tuition Receivable

Course Hours Pre Paid Tuition

Total Contract $        Contract Balance

Hours Attended


Earned Unearned Straight Line Method

The following reports are available in the Earned Unearned Straight Line Method Ledger Reports folder.


Earned Unearned Straight Line Method

This report shows you the earned and unearned income broken down by student. The earned tuition is the amount the student earned from attending, the unearned amount is what they have paid and have not yet earned. If the student is to drop, the unearned amount would be the amount to return to the various agencies. When running this report you will select the month and year you want this data to pertain to.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Months

Permit Number          Value per Month

SSN                        Contract Tuition

Start Date                Month Earned Tuition

Active Stats              Month Earned Books/Kit/Fees

Grad/Drop Date         Month Earned Total

Course                     Total Earned

Course Months Unearned Tuition

Total Contract $         Unearned Books/Kit/Fees


Earned Unearned Using Attended Hours

The following reports are available in the Earned Unearned Straight Line Method Ledger Reports folder.


Earned Unearned by Period

This report shows you the earned and unearned income broken down by student. The earned tuition is the amount the student earned from attending, the unearned amount is what they have paid and have not yet earned. This is based on hours attended. When running this report, you will not select a month and year, this is the cumulative information.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Hours

Permit Number          Hours Attended

SSN                        Value per Hour

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Hours            Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned by Period Date Range

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Hours

Permit Number          Hours Attended

SSN                        Value per Hour

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Hours            Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned by Period Prior Month

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Hours

Permit Number          Hours Attended

SSN                        Value per Hour

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Hours            Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned Using Credits

The following reports are available in the Earned Unearned Using Credits Ledger Reports folder.


Earned Unearned by Period Date Range with Credits

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Credits

Permit Number          Credits Attended

SSN                        Value per Credit

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Credits Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned by Period Prior Month with Credits

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Credits

Permit Number          Credits Attended

SSN                        Value per Credit

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Credits Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned by Period with Credits

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Credits

Permit Number          Credits Attended

SSN                        Value per Credit

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Credits Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned Using Scheduled Hours

The following reports are available in the Earned Unearned Using Scheduled Hours Ledger Reports folder.


Earned Unearned by Period Date Ranged with Scheduled Hours

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Hours

Permit Number          Hours Attended

SSN                        Value per Hour

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Hours            Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned by Period Prior Month with Scheduled Hours

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Hours

Permit Number          Hours Attended

SSN                        Value per Hour

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Hours            Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Earned Unearned by Period with Scheduled Hours

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Cumulative Hours

Permit Number          Hours Attended

SSN                        Value per Hour

Start Date                Contract Tuition

Active Status            Earned Tuition

Grad/Drop Date         Total Earned Tuition

Course                     Tuition Cancel

Course Hours            Unearned Balance

Total Contract $


Income Statement

The following reports are available in the Income Statement Ledger Reports folder.


Income Statement

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                       Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                          Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid         Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                         Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract             Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Hours               Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                   Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement- 12 Month

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                       Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                          Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid         Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                         Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract             Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Hours               Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                   Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement- 12 Month with Credits

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                                 Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                                   Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid                   Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                                  Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract                       Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Credits Earned             Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                            Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement- Earned 12 Month

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                       Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                          Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid         Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                         Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract             Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Hours               Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                   Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement- Earned 12 Month with Credits

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                                 Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                                   Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid                   Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                                  Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract                       Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Credits Earned             Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                            Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement- Earned by Date Range

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                       Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                          Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid         Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                         Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract             Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Hours               Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                   Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement – Earned by Date Range with Credits

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                                 Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                                   Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid                   Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                                  Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract                       Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Credits Earned             Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                            Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement Prior Month

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                       Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                          Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid         Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                         Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract             Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Hours               Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                   Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement Prior Month with Credits

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Fees Paid                                   Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid                   Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                                  Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract                       Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Credits Earned             Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                            Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Income Statement with Credits

The following fields are found on this report

Name                      Tuition Paid                                 Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                        Fees Paid                                   Tuition Cancel $

Start Date                Equipment/Books Paid                   Unearned Tuition

Penalties Paid  Other Paid                                  Total Tuition Paid

Total Contract Paid     Total Paid Contract                       Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $         Cumulative Credits Earned             Pre Paid Tuition

Total Write Off Value per Hour                            Contract Balance

Total Cancel $ Contract Tuition


Missing Program Check

The following reports are available in the Missing Program Check Ledger Reports folder.


Missing Program Check Number Date Range

This report will summarize all ledger entries that do not have a program assigned for a specific date range. This is sorted by check number.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name           Amount

Date/Year      Code

Check#         Type

Program        Pay Period


Missing Program Check Number Prior Month

This report will summarize all ledger entries that do not have a program assigned for the prior month. This is sorted by check number.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name           Amount

Date/Year      Code

Check#         Type

Program        Pay Period


Program Summary

The following reports are available in the Program Summary Ledger Reports folder.


Program Summary

This report lists all ledger entries for the year and is broken down by each program. At the end each program lists, it will give the program total, total refund paid, total cancel and total write off for the program. At the end of the report, it will give you the grand totals.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program         Permit #

Check #         Name

Date              Type

Year              Pay Period

Code              Totals



Program Summary Date Range

This report lists all ledger entries for the date range you enter and is broken down by each program. At the end each program lists, it will give the program total, total refund paid, total cancel and total write off for the program. At the end of the report, it will give you the grand totals.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program        Permit #

Check #        Name

Date             Type

Year             Pay Period

Code             Totals



Program Summary Fiscal Year

This report lists all ledger entries for the fiscal year and is broken down by each program. At the end each program lists, it will give the program total, total refund paid, total cancel and total write off for the program. At the end of the report, it will give you the grand totals.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program        Permit #

Check #        Name

Date             Type

Year             Pay Period

Code             Totals



Program Summary Prior Month

This report lists all ledger entries for the prior month and is broken down by each program. At the end each program lists, it will give the program total, total refund paid, total cancel and total write off for the program. At the end of the report, it will give you the grand totals.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program        Permit #

Check #        Name

Date             Type

Year             Pay Period

Code             Totals




The following reports are available in the Prospect Ledger Reports folder.


Prospect Receipts Cumulative

This report details the ledger entries made for prospects while in prospect status. This is in list format, if there are multiple transactions it will group them by student and total them at the bottom of the group. This also shows how they are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #        Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount Code             Total Breakdown


Prospect Receipts Date Range

This report details the ledger entries made for prospects in a specific date range while in prospect status. This is in list format, if there are multiple transactions it will group them by student and total them at the bottom of the group. This also shows how they are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #                  Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount          Code             Total Breakdown


Prospect Receipts Prior Month

This report details the ledger entries made for prospects for the prior month while in prospect status. This is in list format, if there are multiple transactions it will group them by student and total them at the bottom of the group. This also shows how they are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #                  Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount          Code             Total Breakdown



The following reports are available in the Receipts Ledger Reports folder.


Receipts Date Range

This report shows all ledger entries for students in a specific date range. This is broken down by course and at the end of the course section it is totaled. This also shows how the ledger entries are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #        Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount Code             Total Breakdown


Receipts Fiscal Year

This report shows all ledger entries for students in the fiscal year. This is broken down by course and at the end of the course section it is totaled. This also shows how the ledger entries are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #        Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount Code             Total Breakdown


Receipts Prior Month

This report shows all ledger entries for students in the prior month. This is broken down by course and at the end of the course section it is totaled. This also shows how the ledger entries are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #        Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount Code             Total Breakdown


This Months Receipts

This report shows all ledger entries for students for the current month. This is broken down by course and at the end of the course section it is totaled. This also shows how the ledger entries are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #        Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount Code             Total Breakdown


Today’s Receipts

This report shows all ledger entries for students for the current day. This is broken down by course and at the end of the course section it is totaled. This also shows how the ledger entries are allocated.


The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #        Date             Type

Name            Check #        Pay Period

Year              Program        Total

Amount Code             Total Breakdown


Refund Summary

The following reports are available in the Refund Summary Ledger Reports folder.


Refund Summary Date Range

This report shows you detail for all refunds made in a specific date range. This is broken down by month and listed in date order. This also shows how the refund was allocated and for which student.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program Name          Code             Drop Date

Date                        Amount         Pay Period

Year                        Permit #       Total

Check #                   Name


Refund Summary Fiscal Year

This report shows you detail for all refunds made in the fiscal year. This is broken down by month and listed in date order. This also shows how the refund was allocated and for which student.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program Name          Code             Drop Date

Date                        Amount         Pay Period

Year                        Permit #       Total

Check #                   Name


Refund Summary Prior Month

This report shows you detail for all refunds made in the prior month. This is listed in date order. This also shows how the refund was allocated and for which student.


The following fields are found on this report:

Program Name          Code             Drop Date

Date                        Amount         Pay Period

Year                        Permit #       Total

Check #                   Name


SFA Compliance Audit

The following reports are available in the SFA Compliance Audit Ledger Reports folder.


SFA Compliance Audit- Dropped Terminated Withdrew Date Range

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Perkins          FDLPU

Last Drop Date          FFELS           PLUSD

Pell                         FFELU           ATB

SEOG                      PLUS             TOTAL

CWP                        FDLPS


SFA Compliance Audit- Dropped Terminated Withdrew Prior Month

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Perkins          FDLPU

Last Drop Date          FFELS           PLUSD

Pell                         FFELU           ATB

SEOG                      PLUS             TOTAL

CWP                        FDLPS


SFA Compliance Audit- Active Grad LOA Date Range

The following fields are found on this report:

Name            SEOG            PLUS             Total

Active Status   CWP             FDLPS

LOA               Perkins          FDLPU

Grad Date       FFELS           PLUSD

PELL              FFELU           ATB


SFA Compliance Audit- Active Grad LOA Prior Month

The following fields are found on this report:

Name            SEOG            PLUS             Total

Active Status   CWP             FDLPS

LOA               Perkins          FDLPU

Grad Date       FFELS           PLUSD

PELL              FFELU           ATB


SFA Compliance Detail Audit- Active Grad LOA Date Range

The following fields are found on this report:

Name            SEOG            PLUS             Sub Total

Active Status   CWP             FDLPS           Running Count

LOA               Perkins          FDLPU

Grad Date       FFELS           PLUSD

PELL              FFELU           ATB


SFA Compliance Detail Audit- Active Grad LOA Prior Month

The following fields are found on this report:

Name            SEOG            PLUS             Sub Total

Active Status   CWP             FDLPS           Running Count

LOA               Perkins          FDLPU

Grad Date       FFELS           PLUSD

PELL              FFELU           ATB


SFA Compliance Detail Audit- Dropped Terminated Withdrew Date Range

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Perkins          FDLPU

Last Drop Date          FFELS           PLUSD

Pell                         FFELU           ATB

SEOG                      PLUS             TOTAL

CWP                        FDLPS


SFA Compliance Detail Audit- Dropped Terminated Withdrew Prior Month

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                      Perkins          FDLPU

Last Drop Date          FFELS           PLUSD

Pell                         FFELU           ATB

SEOG                      PLUS             TOTAL

CWP                        FDLPS



The following reports are available in the Transactions Ledger Reports folder.


Today’s Transactions

This report will show all transactions for the current day. This shows the allocation of each transaction and shows the new balance after the transaction has been applied.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                                Penalty                   ADJB                     

Check #                            Misc                       MISC

Detail                                Total                      REFD

Tuition, Kits & Books            New Balance            Total Cancel/WOFF

Fee                                   Disbursed                Total Breakdown

Other Penalty                     CASH           

Tax                                   CARD


Transactions Cumulative

This report will show all transactions. This shows the allocation of each transaction and shows the new balance after the transaction has been applied.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                                Penalty                   ADJB                     

Check #                            Misc                       MISC

Detail                                Total                      REFD

Tuition, Kits & Books            New Balance            Total Cancel/WOFF

Fee                                   Disbursed                Total Breakdown

Other Penalty                     CASH           

Tax                                   CARD


Transactions Date Range

This report will show all transactions for a specific date range. This shows the allocation of each transaction and shows the new balance after the transaction has been applied.


The following fields are found on this report:


Penalty                    ADJB                     

Check #                            Misc                       MISC

Detail                                Total                      REFD

Tuition, Kits & Books            New Balance            Total Cancel/WOFF

Fee                                   Disbursed                Total Breakdown

Other Penalty                     CASH           

Tax                                   CARD


Transactions Prior Month

This report will show all transactions for the prior month. This shows the allocation of each transaction and shows the new balance after the transaction has been applied.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                                Penalty                   ADJB                     

Check #                            Misc                       MISC

Detail                                Total                      REFD

Tuition, Kits & Books            New Balance            Total Cancel/WOFF

Fee                                   Disbursed                Total Breakdown

Other Penalty                     CASH           

Tax                                   CARD


Credit Hour Earned Tuition as of

The following fields are found on this report:

Permit #                       Contract Length in Days       Earned Tuition Dollars

Name                           Earned Days                      Unearned Tuition Dollars

Active Status                 Earned Pct

Start Date                     Contract Dollars

Contract Grad Date         Tuition Dollars


Cumulative Balance as of

This report breaks down the contract amount and total paid as of a specific date. This also shows if the student has a balance, or a credit balance. When running this report it will run for the current date, however you can change the date at the top of the screen to fit your needs.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                 Total Paid

SSN                   Total CNCL/WOFF

Start Date           Debit Balance

Contract              Credit Balance


Disbursement Forecasting


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Date Expected to Reach Payment Period 1

SSN                             Date Expected to Reach Payment Period 2

Start Date                     Date Expected to Reach Payment Period 3

Grand Total Hours Date Expected to Reach Payment Period 4

Remaining Hours


Earnings and Receivables- Details

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                 Fees Paid                                   Earned Tuition Cumulative

SSN                   Equipment/Books Paid                   Tuition Cancel

Start Date           Other Paid                                  Unearned Tuition

Active Status        Total Paid Contract                       Total Tuition Paid

Grad/Drop Date    Cumulative Hours Attended  Tuition Receivable

Total Contract $    Hours Attended This Period   Pre-Paid Tuition

Total Write Off     Value Per Hour                            Contract Balance

Total Cancel$       Contract Tuition

Tuition Paid          Earned Tuition This Period


Financial Aid Awards

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                 Disbursed Amount

Permit #             Loan Fees

Award/Program    Remaining Amount

Date                   Need Based Loans

Award Amount     Totals


Last Payment Aging Summary

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Days 31-60

SSN                             Days 61-90

Contract$                      Days 91-120

Min Mthly Payment          Days + 120

Last Pay Date                Contract Balance

Days 0-30


Last Payment Summary

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                                    Contract Balance

Min Monthly Payment                Drop Date

Date of Last Payment               Grad Date

Total Amount of Payment Projected Grad Date

Total Paid                               Total Hours


Ledger Statement

This will print all students’ ledgers.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Date                       Total Paid to Student          

Permit #                       Year                       Total Paid Contract

Contract$                      Type/Code               Contract Balance

Mthly Pmt Amount Total Paid                Tuition, Books, Fees, Other

Amount                        Voucher/Check #      Cumulative Data Box          

ID#                             Program                 Over Contract Estimate $

Phone #                       Pay Period              


Ledger Statement Date Range

This report will show you ledger statements for all students who have transactions in a specific date range.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Date                       Total Paid to Student          

Permit #                       Year                       Total Paid Contract

Contract$                      Type/Code               Contract Balance

Mthly Pmt Amount Total Paid                Tuition, Books, Fees, Other

Amount                        Voucher/Check #      Cumulative Data Box          

ID#                             Program                 Over Contract Estimate $

Phone #                       Pay Period    


Ledger Statement Prior Month

This report will pull all ledger statements for students’ that have transactions in the prior month.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Date                       Total Paid to Student          

Permit #                       Year                       Total Paid Contract

Contract$                      Type/Code               Contract Balance

Mthly Pmt Amount Total Paid                Tuition, Books, Fees, Other

Amount                        Voucher/Check #      Cumulative Data Box          

ID#                             Program                 Over Contract Estimate $

Phone #                       Pay Period    


Loan Entrance Interview Exception Report

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Pay Date

Student Address             Amount

SSN                             Year

Start Date                     Pay Period



Missing ISIR Records

This report will show all students who have missing ISIR records for a fiscal year.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                 Start Date

SSN                   Amount

Pell ID                 Program

EFC                    Year

Verification Award

Active Status        Total Hours


Open Ledger Accounts

This report will show you a list of all open ledger accounts as of a specified date. This also details the earned and unearned tuition for the date specified.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Contract Balance

Active Status                 Tuition Dollars

Start Date                     Earned Tuition

Contract Dollars             Cancel Tuition$

Total Paid Contract          Unearned Tuition

Cancel $                       Total Tuition Paid

Write Off $


Open Ledger Accounts with Credits

This report will show you a list of all open ledger accounts as of a specified date. This also details the earned and unearned tuition for the date specified.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                           Contract Balance

Active Status                 Tuition Dollars

Start Date                     Earned Tuition

Contract Dollars             Cancel Tuition$

Total Paid Contract          Unearned Tuition

Cancel $                       Total Tuition Paid

Write Off $


Payment Breakdown

This report breaks down payments for a specified year. The first page will show a list of all students that have payments for the specified year. The next section breaks down the monies paid to school by type for the specified year. The next section breaks down the monies paid to school by code. The final section breaks down monies paid to student by type.


The following fields are found on this report:

Students Included on report


Amount Paid to School

Type & Amount

Total $


Student Ledger Detail Report

This report sorts by student and lists all ledger entries made for the student in date order. It shows the type, code and amount.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                 Disb. Amount                     Current Amount

Permit#              Post Date                          Pay Period

Contract $           Year                                Voucher/Check Number

Start Date Ledger Type                      Program Name

Grad Date           Ledger Code                      Total







The prospect reports are here for you to track the progress of prospective students.


Admission test Score

This report provides a listing of all the prospective students admissions test score. This report can be queried.


The following fields can be found on this report:


Permit #   

Admissions Test Name    


Date Test Was Taken     

Location Test was taken (optional)       

Initials of Test Administrator


Category Breakdown

This report provides a breakdown of all prospects categorizing the number of prospects into what category they fall into i.e.: race, age, education, marital status, using financial aid and how they were referred to the school. This report can be queried.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Ethnicity Breakdown       

Age Breakdown   

Referral Breakdown       

Financial Aid Breakdown  

Marital Status Breakdown

Education Breakdown     

Gender Breakdown                  


Monthly Prospect Tally

This report provides information on how many prospects were entered into Smart each month and averages that count it also provides a breakdown of prospects by their referral code (how they heard about the school). This report can be queried.


The following fields can be found on this report:


# of Prospects Entered into Smart for the Month       

Average Entered For the Month 

Total Prospect Count      

Referral Codes    

User Defined Referral Codes     

Referral Code Legend     


Prospect Admissions Weekly Report by Initial Date

The following fields can be found on this report:

Date of Call        

Time of Call        


Phone #   

1st Contact Date  

1st Interview Date

1st FA Appt Date 

Enrollment Date


Prospect Admissions Weekly Report by Recruiter

The following fields can be found on this report:

Date of Call        

Time of Call        


Phone #   

1st Contact Date  

1st Interview Date

1st FA Appt Date 

Enrollment Date


Prospect Conversion Statistics

This Report is used to track the number of days it took to convert a prospect into a student. This report can not be queried.

The following fields can be found on this report:

Prospect Conversion Statistics                                

Date A Prospect Became a Student      

Date Became a Prospect 

#of days it took to convert A Prospect to a Student   

Admission Reps Initials    




Prospect General Report

This report provides general demographic information on a prospect. This report can be queried.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Name, Address and Email of Prospect  

Phone #

Prospect #



Contact/Appointment Dates

Referral Code

Prev School



Fin Aid Status      


Prospect General Report with Comments

This report provides general demographic information on a prospect includes any notes put in under the prospects profile. This report can be queried.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Name, Address and Email of Prospect  

Phone #

Prospect #



Contact/Appointment Dates

Referral Code

Prev School



Fin Aid Status      

Comments or Notes Put In Under The Prospects Profile


Prospect Mailing Labels Sort Name/Prospect Mailing Labels

This report is used to generate mailing labels for prospects. This can be queried and it can be sorted alphabetically or by zip code. This report can be queried.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Prospect Name and Address


Prospect Zip Code Status

This report is used to track what zip code prospects are living at to assist in student marketing of high traffic enrollment areas. This can be queried.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Zip Code   

Prospect #



Initial Contact Date        

Phone #


Recruiter Statistics

This Report is used to track the number of days it took to convert a prospect into a student. This report can not be queried.

Admission Reps Initials    

Student Name     

Date Converted To A Student







Detailed Security Report

This details who has access to The SMART System, and which access they have.






Here is a breakdown of the individual reports that can be found under the Alumni Reports section.


Academic Transcript

In this section you can print out the academic transcripts. Below you will find what is included on each report.


Academic Transcript Exam Date Order

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is cumulative data and sorted by exam date.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs (Listed)

SSN                                 Cumulative Data

Active Status                     Estimated Over Contract Amount

Enrollment Hours                Student Signature

Scheduled Hours                School Official Signature

Exams (Listed)


Academic Transcript Exam Date Order Date Range

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is data pertaining to a specific date range and is sorted by exam date.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs (Listed)

SSN                                 Cumulative Data

Active Status                     Date Range Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature

Exams (Listed)                   School Official Signature


Academic Transcript Exam Date Order Prior Month

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is prior month data and sorted by exam date.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs (Listed)

SSN                                 Cumulative Data

Active Status                     Date Range Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature

Exams (Listed)                   School Official Signature


Academic Transcript Exam Num Order

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is cumulative data and is sorted by exam number.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs (Listed)

SSN                                 Cumulative Data

Active Status                     Estimated Over Contract Amount

Enrollment Hours                Student Signature

Scheduled Hours                School Official Signature

Exams (Listed)


Academic Transcript Exam Num Order Date Range

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is data that is pertaining to a specific date range and is sorted by exam number.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs (Listed)

SSN                                 Cumulative Data

Active Status                     Date Range Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature

Exams (Listed)                   School Official Signature


Academic Transcript Exam Num Order Prior Month

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is prior month data and is sorted by exam numbers.


The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs (Listed)

SSN                                 Cumulative Data

Active Status                     Estimated Over Contract Amount

Enrollment Hours                Student Signature

Scheduled Hours                School Official Signature

Exams (Listed)


Evaluation Report

This report shows cumulative data for these areas:

Name/Address                   Cumulative Data

SSN                                 Estimated Over Contract Amount

Active Status                     Student Signature

Enrollment Status               School Official Signature

Academic Transcript with Credits

Academic Transcripts Exam Date Order Date Range with Credits

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, credits earned, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is cumulative data and sorted by exam date.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Exams & Credits

SSN                                 Labs & Credits

Active Status                     Date Range Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature

Academic Transcript Exam Date Order Prior Month with Credits

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, completion date, credits earned, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is data pertaining to the prior month and is sorted by exam date.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Exams & Credits

SSN                                 Labs & Credits

Active Status                     Prior Month Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature

Academic Transcript Exam Date Order with Credits

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, credits earned, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is cumulative data and sorted by exam date.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs & Credits

SSN                                 Cumulative Data

Active Status                     Estimated Over Contract Amount

Enrollment Hours                Student Signature

Scheduled Hours                School Official Signature

Exams & Credits

Academic Transcript Exam Num Order Date Range with Credits

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, credits earned, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is data for a date range and sorted by exam number.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Exams & Credits

SSN                                 Labs & Credits

Active Status                     Date Range Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature

Academic Transcript Exam Num Order Prior Month with Credits

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, credits earned, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is prior month data and is sorted by exam number.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Labs & Credits

SSN                                 Prior Month Data

Active Status                     Cumulative Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature

Exams & Credits                 School Official Signature

Academic Transcript Exam Num Order with Credits

This report states your course, labs, tests and results, credits earned, completion date, graduation date and has an option to add a signature. This is sorted by exam number.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name/Address                   Exams & Credits

SSN                                 Labs & Credits

Active Status                     Date Range Data

Enrollment Hours                Estimated Over Contract Amount

Scheduled Hours                Student Signature


Attendance Sheet

This is a blank attendance sheet. This is for print and write-in purposes.

The following fields are found on this report:

Month                     Days of the Month

Permit #                           Absence Codes


Days Absent Exceptions

This report lists the days that the students have been absent. This is grouped by student.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Days

Permit#                            Cumulative Total Hours

Date                                Cumulative Total Days


Days Absent Exceptions Date Range

This report lists the days that the students have been absent for a specific date range. This is grouped by student.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Days

Permit#                            Total Hours in the Date Range

Date                                Total Days in the Date Range


Days Absent Exceptions Prior Month

This report lists the days that the students have been absent for the prior month. This is grouped by student.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Days

Permit#                            Total Hours in the Prior Month

Date                                Total Days in the Prior Month


Lab Credit Hour History Cumulative

This report summarizes the amount of credit hours earned on each lab for the students.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     # Required

Course                    Credits Earned

Permit #                           Hours

Lab Name                         Cumulative Data

Lab #                     Instructor Signature

Date                                Student Signature


Lab Credit Hour History Date Range

This report summarizes the amount of credit hours earned on each lab for the students for the specific date range.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     # Required

Course                    Credits Earned

Permit #                           Hours

Lab Name                         Cumulative Data

Lab #                     Instructor Signature

Date                                Student Signature


Lab Credit Hour History Prior Month

This report summarizes the amount of credit hours earned on each lab for the students for the prior month.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     # Required

Course                    Credits Earned

Permit #                           Hours

Lab Name                         Cumulative Data

Lab #                     Instructor Signature

Date                                Student Signature


Lab Credit Hour Summary Cumulative

This report summarizes the amount of credit hours earned on each lab for the students.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Credits Earned

Course                    Total Hours

Permit #                           Cumulative Data

Lab Name                         Instructor Signature

Lab #                     Student Signature

Lab Credit Hour Summary Date Range

This report summarizes the amount of credit hours earned on each lab for the students for a specified date range.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Credits Earned

Course                    Total Hours

Permit #                           Cumulative Data

Lab Name                         Instructor Signature

Lab #                     Student Signature

Lab Credit Hour Summary Prior Month

This report summarizes the amount of credit hours earned on each lab for the students for the prior month.

The following fields are found on this report:

Name                     Credits Earned

Course                    Total Hours

Permit #                           Cumulative Data

Lab Name                         Instructor Signature

Lab #                     Student Signature

Monthly Attendance

This report breaks down the amount of days present and the total hours for the month that is specified.

The following fields are found on this report:

Date                                Name                     Re-Enroll Date

Time                                Student Initials                   Days Present

Signatures                        Course                    Grand Total Hours

School License Number        Start Date               Total Prev Hours

Permit Number                  Grad/Drop Date                 Total Hours for the Month

Monthly Attendance Hours

This report is a grid that will show you the amount of daily hours the student has attended for the specified month and year.

The following fields are found on this report:

Date                                Student Initials                   Total Hours for the Month

Time                                Course                    Total Prev Hours

Signatures                        Start Date               Grand Total Hours

School License Number        Grad/Drop Date                 GPA

Permit Number                  Re-Enroll Date                   Hours Present Each Day     

Name                                                  Days Present

Qtrly Attendance Hours Listing

This report details total hours attended per quarter of the calendar year.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Permit#                            Quarter2 Attendance

Name                     Quarter3 Attendance

Start Date                         Quarter4 Attendance

Quarter1 Attendance           Total Hours

Scheduled vs. Actual Hours

This report details a students scheduled hours and days versus actual hours and days. It also determines the difference between scheduled hours and days versus actual hours and days. It will also show you the percentage of time attended.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Permit#                  Course Hours           Hours Scheduled

Name           Days Scheduled                 Actual Hours Attended

Start Date               Actual Attended Days Difference

SAP Status              Difference               Percent

Course          Percent                            Totals

Scheduled vs. Actual Hours Prior Month

This report details a students scheduled hours and days versus actual hours and days for the prior month. It also determines the difference between scheduled hours and days versus actual hours and days for the prior month. It will also show you the percentage of time attended for the prior month.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Permit#                  Course Hours           Hours Scheduled

Name           Days Scheduled                 Actual Hours Attended

Start Date               Actual Attended Days Difference

SAP Status              Difference               Percent

Course          Percent                            Totals

Scheduled vs. Actual Hours Start Date Range

This report details a students scheduled hours and days versus actual hours and days for a specified date range. It also determines the difference between scheduled hours and days versus actual hours and days for the specified date range. It will also show you the percentage of time attended for the specified date range.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Permit#                  Course Hours           Hours Scheduled

Name           Days Scheduled                 Actual Hours Attended

Start Date               Actual Attended Days Difference

SAP Status              Difference               Percent

Course          Percent                            Totals

Student Attendance History

This report details the attendance for the entire time a student is enrolled. This sorts the students alphabetically. It is broken down by each day. In the shaded column of the report, you will find the cumulative total. At the bottom of the report you will find a box full of cumulative data.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Permit#                  Average Hours/Days

Name           Cumulative Hours

Date                       Cumulative Days

Hours            Cumulative Data

Days                      Over Contract Estimated Amount

Student Attendance History Date Range

This report details the attendance for a specified date range. This sorts the students alphabetically. It is broken down by each day. In the shaded column of the report, you will find the total for the specified date range. At the bottom of the report you will find a box full of cumulative data.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Permit#                  Average Hours/Days

Name           Cumulative Hours

Date                       Cumulative Days

Hours            Cumulative Data

Days                      Over Contract Estimated Amount

Student Attendance History Date Range Permit

This report details the attendance for a specified date range. This sorts the students by permit number. It is broken down by each day. In the shaded column of the report, you will find the total for the specified date range. At the bottom of the report you will find a box full of cumulative data.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Permit#                  Average Hours/Days

Name           Cumulative Hours

Date                      Cumulative Days

Hours            Cumulative Data

Days                      Over Contract Estimated Amount   

Student Attendance History Prior Month

This report details the attendance for the prior month. This sorts the students alphabetically. It is broken down by each day. In the shaded column of the report, you will find the total for the prior month. At the bottom of the report you will find a box full of cumulative data.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Average Hours/Days

Permit#                  Cumulative Hours

Date                       Cumulative Days

Hours            Cumulative Data

Days                      Over Contract Estimated Amount




Student Attendance History Prior Month Permit

This report details the attendance for the prior month. This sorts the students by permit number. It is broken down by each day. In the shaded column of the report, you will find the total for the prior month. At the bottom of the report you will find a box full of cumulative data.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Average Hours/Days

Permit#                  Cumulative Hours

Date                       Cumulative Days

Hours            Cumulative Data

Days                      Over Contract Estimated Amount

Student Monthly Attendance History Calendar Yr

This report breaks down the total hours into monthly totals for a specific year. You select the year when the report prompts you.

You will find the following fields on this report.

Name           Average Hours/Days

Permit#                  Cumulative Hours

Date                       Cumulative Days

Hours            Cumulative Data

Days                      Over Contract Estimated Amount

Student Monthly Attendance History Plus 12 months

This report breaks down the total hours into monthly totals. The date and year that you select when the report prompts you, is the beginning date of the report then adds 12 months. This is in the format of a grid.

You will find the following fields on this report:



Start Date

Total Hours per Month

Total Cumulative Hours

Total Hours Summary

This report will show the total hours per student.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Course Hours           Percent Completed

Permit#                  Hours Attended                  Total Count of Students on Report

Start Date               Transfer Hours                  Grand Total Hours

Course          Total Hours

Total Hours Summary Date Range

This report will show the total hours per student for a specific date range.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Course Hours           Percent Completed

Permit#                  Hours Attended                  Total Count of Students on Report

Start Date               Transfer Hours                  Grand Total Hours

Course          Total Hours

Total Hours Summary Prior Month

This report will show the total hours per student for the prior month.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Course Hours           Percent Completed

Permit#                  Hours Attended                  Hours during the Date Range

Start Date               Transfer Hours                  Total Count of Students on Report

Course          Total Hours              Grand Total Hours


In this section you will be able to print labels for mailing.

Billing Labels Sort Course

These are mailing labels that are sorted by course.


Billing Labels Sort Name

These are mailing labels that are sorted by name.


Billing Labels Sort Permit

These are mailing labels that are sorted by permit number.


Billing Labels Sort SSN

These are mailing labels that are sorted by social security number.


Course Labels Sort Alpha

These are labels that are sorted alphabetically.


Course Labels Sort Course

These are labels that are sorted by course.


Course Labels Sort Permit

These are labels that are sorted by permit.


Course Labels Sort SSN

These are labels that are sorted by social security number.


Student Mailing Labels Sort Alpha

These are mailing labels sorted alphabetically.


Student Mailing Labels Sort Zip

These are mailing labels sorted by zip code.



Leave of Absence Status

This report will show all students who have had a leave of absence. It details the date they started and ended the leave of absence and the amount of days on leave of absence.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Hours Attended                  Active Status

Permit#                  % Completed           Begin LOA Date

SSN                       GPA                       End LOA Date

Start Date               AMA                       Number of Days on LOA

Course          Home Phone Number Total Student Count

Leave of Absence Status Active Student

This report will show all active students who have had a leave of absence. It details the date they started and ended the leave of absence and the amount of days on leave of absence.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Hours Attended                  Active Status

Permit#                  % Completed           Begin LOA Date

SSN                       GPA                       End LOA Date

Start Date               AMA                       Number of Days on LOA

Course          Home Phone Number Total Student Count

Leave of Absence Status Date Range

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Hours Attended                  Active Status

Permit#                  % Completed           Begin LOA Date

SSN                       GPA                       End LOA Date

Start Date               AMA                       Number of Days on LOA

Course          Home Phone Number Total Student Count

Leave of Absence Status Prior Month

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Hours Attended        Active Status

Permit#                  % Completed           Begin LOA Date

SSN                       GPA                       End LOA Date

Start Date               AMA                       Number of Days on LOA

Course          Home Phone Number Total Student Count

Progress Report

Progress Report

The progress report prints up all of the labs and tests accomplished since the student has been enrolled.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Lab Completed                   Student Signature

SSN                       Number Required               School Official Signature

Dates            Number Remaining    Honor Roll

Hours            Lab Description                  Sap Status

Active Status           Test Grade              Probation Status

Permit Number         Test Description                 Suspension Status

Progress Report as Transcript

The progress report prints up all of the labs and tests accomplished since the student has been enrolled in the form of a transcript.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Lab Completed                   Student Signature

SSN                       Number Required               School Official Signature

Dates            Number Remaining    Honor Roll

Hours            Lab Description                  Sap Status

Active Status           Test Grade              Probation Status

Permit Number         Test Description                 Suspension Status

Progress Report as Transcript- Legal

The progress report prints up all of the labs and tests accomplished since the student has been enrolled. This runs in the form of a transcript and prints on legal paper.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Lab Completed                   Student Signature

SSN                       Number Required               School Official Signature

Dates            Number Remaining    Honor Roll

Hours            Lab Description                  Sap Status

Active Status           Test Grade              Probation Status

Permit Number         Test Description                 Suspension Status

Progress Report Date Range

The progress report prints up all of the labs and tests accomplished by a student in a specified date range.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Lab Completed                   Student Signature

SSN                       Number Required               School Official Signature

Dates            Number Remaining    Honor Roll

Hours            Lab Description                  Sap Status

Active Status           Test Grade              Probation Status

Permit Number         Test Description                 Suspension Status

Progress Report Monthly

The progress report prints up all of the labs and tests accomplished by a student for the selected month.

You will find the following fields on this report:

Name           Lab Completed                   Student Signature

SSN                       Number Required               School Official Signature

Dates            Number Remaining    Honor Roll

Hours            Lab Description                  Sap Status

Active Status           Test Grade              Probation Status

Permit Number         Test Description                 Suspension Status


Contract Cost Breakdown

This report breaks down the contract cost by payments period and by allocation.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Course Hours and Costs

Permit#              Period Breakdown

SSN                             Cost Breakdown


Contract Graduation Approaching

This report shows all students who are graduating within a month of the date you specify.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Start Date

Permit#              Contract Grad Date

Course                Actual Grad Date

Total Hours          Number of Days until Contract Grad Date


Course Start Date Profile

This report will group students by start date.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Drop Date               GPA

SSN                             Drop Code               AMA

Home Phone #     Determined             Received Title IV

Active Status                 Passed Exam Code    Employer Name

Grad Date           Hours Attend            Start Date

Drop#                Percent Complete


Emergency Contact

This report pulls each students emergency contact information.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Parent/Guardian Name

Student Phone#    Emergency Contact 1

Work Phone#                Emergency Contact 2

Spouse Name


Enrollment Status

This report pulls enrollment status information as of a specific date.


You will find the following fields on this report:


      Enrollment Type      


      No Preference



General Report

This report pulls all information that has been input into the student profile.


You will find the following fields on this report:

      Personal Information




General Report with Comments

This report pulls all information that has been input into the student profile and will also pull in information that has been input into the notes section.


You will find the following fields on this report:

      Personal Information





Lab Service Totals & Lab Service Totals Date Range

This report will detail the lab services that were completed by each student for a specified date range.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Grand Total Labs Done

Lab Date             Required Number of Labs

Lab#                            Remaining Number of Labs

Description          Start Date

Total Labs            Total Labs Done


Lab Service Totals Prior Month

This report will detail the lab services that were completed by each student for the prior month.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Grand Total Labs Done

Lab Date             Required Number of Labs

Lab#                            Remaining Number of Labs

Description          Start Date

Total Labs            Total Labs Done


Loan Contact

This report shows you contact and emergency contact information for each student.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Guarantor               Relationship to Student

Home Phone#                Contact Name          Years Known

Work Phone#                Contact Address                Loan Entrance Date

Lender                Contact Phone Number        Loan Exit Date


New Starts Document Report

This report shows you which documents you have in for new starts in a specified date range.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Start Date

SSN                             Document

Course                Total Student Count


Registration List

This report breaks down which students are registered in which course.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Date                            SSN

Name                 Permit#

Address              Date of Birth

Phone Number     Course


Remaining Lab Services by Service

This report breaks down the remaining lab services as of the current day per student.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 # Required              Cumulative Data Box

Course                # Performed           Instructor Signature

Permit#              Date                       Student Signature

Lab Description     Grade

Lab Number                  Day of Week


Remaining Lab services by Service Date Range

This report breaks down the remaining lab services as of the specified date range per student.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 # Required              Cumulative Data Box

Course                # Performed           Instructor Signature

Permit#              Date                       Student Signature

Lab Description     Grade

Lab Number                  Day of Week


Remaining Lab Services by Service Prior Month

This report breaks down the remaining lab services as of the prior month per student.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 # Required              Cumulative Data Box

Course                # Performed           Instructor Signature

Permit#              Date                       Student Signature

Lab Description     Grade

Lab Number                  Day of Week


Satisfactory Academic Progress

This report is in a list form, to give you a streamline view for all students SAP status.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Hours Attended        Test Score Value

Permit#              Transfer Hours                  Major Test Score Value

Start Date           Remaining Hours                Lab Score Value

SAP Status          %Completed            GPA

Course                AMA

Course Hours                 Min Required Hours


Status Report

The status report shows a female and male count. It shows you a count for the different levels.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Entry Level                    Eve              Hispanic         Total Count

Intermediate/Advanced    Blank            Asian

Full-3/4 Enrollment                   Veteran Status         Other

Part-Half Enrollment                 White            Blank Race

Day                             Black            Course M/F


Student Admission Test Scores

This report lists students and their admissions test score. This information pulls from the profile section in the Admission Test tab.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Name                 Test Date

Permit#              Where Was Test Taken

Test Name           Initials of Test Administrator



Student Borrower Sheet

This is a report where you can list the details of the lender situations for each student.


You will find the following fields on this report:

Last Date of Attendance  Loan Period    Current Employer     Parent/Guardian Info

Enrollment Status           Loan Type      Loan Entrance Date   Reference Information

Lender                          Name/Address         Loan Exit Date                   Student Signature

Guarantor                     SSN/DL#/DOB/Phone #                          Spouse Information

Loan Status


Student Category Breakdown

This report is broken down into categories. This is a count report, not a listing of each student and can be queried.


You can find the following categories on this report:

Ethnicity              Pass/Place     Enrollment     Drop Code 2

Age                    Level            Title IV Elig     Drop Code 3

Education            Financial Aid   SAP

Class                  Other            NSLDS

Acct Closed                   Marital          CTP

Referral              Gender                   Drop Code 1                              


Student Course Roster

This breaks down which students are in which course and can be queried.


This report contains the following information:

Course Name                          XFER Hours

Student Name                         Active Status

Start Date                     Current LOA (Y or N)

CRHHRS (Course Hours)   Length (Course Length)

STUHRS (Attended Hours)


Student Demographics

This report details the student demographics, this report shows in a list format.


You can find the following information on this report:

NAME                 GRAD-DROP DATE


SSN                             HOURS ATTEND




These fields are answered with a Y or N, for Yes or No:

ACT                    OVR

SAP                    SFA

DEP                    GPA

VER                    PELL AWRD

NSLDS                AMA


Students Enrolled as of

This report is useful if you need to know who all was enrolled as of a certain date. Once you select the report it will prompt you for “as of date”. Once the date is entered, the report will find all students enrolled as of that date.


This report contains the following information:

Course Name                 Grad

Student Name      Drop

Permit No.           Re-Enroll

Start Date           Total Hours

Contract Date


Zip Code Breakdown

This report breaks down which students are in which zip codes in a listing format.


This contains the following information:

Zip Code             Start

Permit No.                    Date

Name                 Phone

Course                Number



The system setup reports are compiled of different codes that have been set up to use and where you use them.


Additional Drop Codes

This report gives you a listing of the drop codes and the description that coincides with the code.


The following fields can be found on this report:


Code Description


Additional Referral Codes

This report gives you a listing of the referral codes and the description that coincides with the code.


The following fields can be found on this report:


Referral Description       


Admission Test Codes

This report breaks down the codes you have entered for admissions tests and the description that coincides with the code.


The following fields can be found on this report:


Test Description


Contract Codes

This report breaks down the contract codes that are in the system, along with the description.


The following fields can be found on this report:


Contract Description


Course Listing

This report gives you a breakdown of your courses, and payment periods and details how that course is set up.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Course Name      

Total Course Hours        

Enrollment Period

Over Contract Charge Amount   

Payment Period Breakdown


Employment Codes/Employment Types

This breaks down the employment codes and what their description is. You use these codes when filling in employment information for graduated students.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Employment Code

Employment Description  

Active Status                                                                                             

Employment Types Code 

Employment Type Description                                                             


Graduate Status Codes

This report breaks down the graduate status and the code that coincides with it. This is entered in the alumni profile and is referenced on various reports.


High School Codes

This report breaks down the high school codes/names. This information is entered in the student profile and is referenced on various reports.


The following fields can be found on this report:


School Description


Lab Services

This report breaks down the Lab Code, Lab Number, Number Required, and what course coincides with the lab.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Lab #       

Lab Name 

# Required

Course Assigned To


Pass Placed Result Codes

This report breaks down the pass placed result code and the description and if the code is active.


The following fields can be found on this report:


Pass Placed Description   

Code Active Status                                                                                               

Program Name                       


Program Description       

Federal Disbursement

Restrictions Status

Need Based Status        

Non Cash Status


Program Name Report

This report allows you to match up the program codes to the description. This also tells you whether this has federal disbursement restrictions, if its need based or if it is non cash. This information is referenced in the ledger.


The following fields can be found on this report:


School Calendar

This report gives you a list of all of the days the school is closed.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Date School Closed        

Day of the Week 




School Calendar Date Range

This can break down the days the school is closed into a date range.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Date School Closed        

Day of the Week 




School Calendar Prior Month

This breaks down the days the school is closed for the prior month.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Date School Closed        

Day of the Week 




Test Names

This breaks down the Test Number, Test Name, Test Type, and Course it coincides with.


The following fields can be found on this report:

Test Number       

Test Name


Course Assigned To


Tracking Codes

This report breaks down tracking codes and the description.


The following fields can be found on this report:


Code Description